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"Have we met before?"

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"Have we met before?"

That was the question the ghost boy asked you before you took your leave. You never answered that – not that you didn't want to, but because you were running late to pick up Tiara from the daycare.

You were sprinting down the school halls, almost bumping into a few classmates of yours, and got to your locker.

The school's clubs were all opened, ready to let their student join them. You didn't really join any club, thinking that it would drain you out.

Changing your shoes, you saw your favorite person, "Hey! Akane!" You stood up and grabbed your bag and baseball bat, closing your locker in the process.

The red head turned around. He was holding a bunch of papers in his hands, and thinking that he might need some help, you ran up to him.

"Don't run in the halls!" He yelled and you slowed down your pace, you didn't really want to end up in detention because of something stupid (again).

"You need some help?" You asked and gestured at the papers in his hands. He was looking for something or someone, his eyes darting towards the exit every now and then.

"I'm good." Said Akane, but quickly added, "Have you seen Minamoto?"

Yeah, were was Teru? You hadn't seen him today. You thought for any possible signs of seeing him, but to no luck, you haven't got any.

Your thinking face made Akane shudder, do you always have to look like you were about to murder someone? If it weren't for your horrifying expressions, you would probably be as normal as anybody else.

"No, I–... Um..?" You glanced at Akane, who was shaking, a fearfull expression laced upon his features.

"OKAY, GOOD TO HEAR, BYE!!" Akane laughed nervously and ran down the hall, the fearfull smile never leaving his face

"Wait! No running in the hall– you know what, fuck it." You said and began walking out of the school.


"N/N!" Two small arms wrapped around your legs as you entered the daycare.

"Hi, Tia." You smiled softly at her.

You got all her things and you two bid the daycare attendants goodbye.

"So what do you want to do today?" You asked her as you two held hands, 'I bet Kou's already home.'

"Dress up!" She excitedly jumped up and down, a big grin was on her chubby face.

You smiled back at her and looked forward, "Then dress up it is!"


"Kou! Were home!"

"I'm home!"

You chuckled as Tiara ran down the small hall and into the kitchen. You heard some talking while you took off your shoes. Putting them to the side, together with your baseball bat and bag, you walked into the kitchen to find Kou there.

"Hey, sunshine, where's Tia?"

Kou stopped at what he was doing. There is it again, that nickname. He snapped out of it and went back to stirring the (almost done) curry, while he blurted out, "In her room!"

"Ah, okay…" you began to creep up behind the flustered Kou. Seriously, how can you become a walking tomato after being called sunshine?

Anyway, you looked over his shoulder, taking in the amazing aroma (of the curry, not him).

"That smells amazing, Kou!" You said and walked to his right.

"Oh, um, thanks!" He gave you a sheepish smile while scratching the nape of his neck, "It's a family special!"

You hummed and began walking to Tiara's room.

"Wait!" The blond called out to you.

"Yes, sunshine?"

Kou hesitated a bit, but asked it anyways:

"Why do you always call me that..?"




'What is it with people asking me questions today?!'

you gave up a sigh and composed yourself. You gave him a closed-eyed smile, "Because your smile is as bright as the sun, that's why."

'That was so cheesy, but whatever."

Kou's face flushed at this, did you really mean that? "Well! Your smile is even better Y/N!"

You laughed, "Sure, whatever you say, Sunshine!" And walked in to Tiara's room.

What Kou didn't notice was that the curry began to pool out of the sides of the warm pot, making its way down to the floor.

"AGH!– NO!"

This was another short chapter, I usually write dubble this, but whatever

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This was another short chapter, I usually write dubble this, but whatever. I'm trying to update daily so that's why they're so short.

Next chapter will follow the main plot of the manga, wo I hope you'll like it!

Have a good day, my lovelies! ^^

-Wed, 25 may, 2022

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