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You were sitting in a chair next to your mother's hospital bed, unable to speak, you held her hand tightly as she explained what happened

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You were sitting in a chair next to your mother's hospital bed, unable to speak, you held her hand tightly as she explained what happened.

"–And that's it." She finished and gave you a small squeeze.

You looked up from your lap and at her. Apparently a small structure of the building she was working in magically began to crack, resulting in some of the bricks falling on her. Your mother, Clair, was lucky to survive that, being able to dodge the falling things and help some of her co-workers.

Your mother smiled, "There's nothing to worry about, Y/N."

You've never seen your mother this calm, it's almost scary. But nonetheless, it must've been a scary experience, bricks falling down from the building you were working on.

"If you say so, old hag." You gave her a teasing smile.

"You little–"

"Honey I'm back– uh…" you mom, Belle, came in, holding a tray of hospital food, "–what's happening here?

Your mother was holding you by the hair as your first were up in the air, ready to punch her. Your mother scrambled away from you, swiftly hit you on the head, and sat down on the mattress once again. You on the other hand were putting up the chair, which had fallen on the front while you stood up to hit your mother.

"Nothing!" The two of you hurriedly spoke, making your mom more suspicious than ever, but she quickly dismissed it.

You really are a copy of your mother.

"Hello, Mrs. L/N." Someone came in through the opened door, "I've got some questions about the incident."

You looked towards the person and saw your friend, "Teru?"

He gave you a gentle, "that's me!"


Being back to school wasn't so bad, especially when your mother thought that it would be a good idea to have some days off. So now you were back on the third floor, in the girls toilets together with your friends..

"Hey, kid." Hanako asked Kou. "Whatcha got there?"

Kou was holding on to a bound boy, his pink hair flying back and forth as he tried to escape the exorcist grip.  Kou's tie was around the boy's legs, tape covered his mouth and his pink cardigan arms were tied together, making sure that he wouldn't escape.

You looked at Kou with a deadpan expression, did he really have no manners? And why was he holding this poor boy captive. "And why are you dragging him around?" You pointed out.

"He's an evil spirit who was causing trouble at the middle school entrance," Kou gave you a peace sign, the pink bod thrashing around in his other hand, "and I caught him!"

Yashiro looked at them with sweat running down her cheek.

Hqnako hummed, "And you're going to exorcise him?".

The pink ghost boy stopped trying to escape and looked at them, horror written all over his face. He was too young to die! Wait– he's already dead… He was too cute to be exorcised by this low-life!

Kou looked at the ground while scratching the nape of his neck, "Uh… I stopped doing that kinda thing."

"So!" Kou then continued in a much more enthusiastic voice, " I was wondering… there's gotta be some other way we can deal with the problem, right!?"

Hqnako floated closer to the sacred pink boy, then turning around and walking the other way, "He's probably here because of some unfinished business, right?" The toilet ghost said waving his hand at the two boys, " so maybe you just need to finish that for him?"

Grabbing the pink boys tied cardigan arms, Kou said, "Now that we know that, this should be easy!"

"Let's go evil spirit!" Kou sprinted out the door, dragging the ghost boy with him, "we're gonna take care of your unfinished business!!!"

"Will he be okay without us?" Yahiro asked Hanako-kun, holding a mop in her hand.

"He'll be fine." Hanako said and looked away, "if something does happen… I'll have a little more work to do."

You glanced as Hanako's solmen face, "Aside from that," you started and your eyes sparkled, "did you see how cute that boy was!"

Yashiro looked at you with wonder, "Whaaa– do you like him, Y/N?!" Her heart sank, but she was curious to why you were interested in the pink boy.

"Yep!" You said with pride and jumped down from one of the sinks, "and I am going to make him my friend!"

"Hey, Y/N?" Hanako started talking, "what happened with your mother, I heard you said that it was urgent?"

"Yeah, Y/N! Is she okay?" Yashiro agreed with Hanako and looked at you expectantly.

You sighed, what a pain.


As you started to explain what happened with the building and the falling bricks (which almost killed some people) you started to wonder about what your mother said.


"Did you see anything unusual?" He asked as he took out a black notepad and a pencil.

"Unusual?" You asked, you and your mom were confused why he asked this. Maybe he was playing detective? Or… a supernatural! Right, Teru's an exorcist! He must be asking to see if a ghost could have done this.

"No…" your mother thought for a second before she remembered, "...wait! There was some weird liquid coming out of the cracks!"


"When the building was beginning to  collapse, small drops of black liquid began to fall down the cracks, smoke too." She explained as Teru noted it down.

"Alright," he said as he put don't the notepad in one of his pockets, "That was all I needed. Get better, Mrs. L/N!"

"Goodbye!" You mother waved as Teru took his leave.

You were sitting in the chair, 'Black liquid, smoke? Definitely some kind of supernatural if you ask me…' you looked out the window,

'But why does it feel so familiar?'

A/N: we've finally met Mitsuba! The next chapter will for sure be fun to write! I'm getting better too, I'm not as sick as I was a couple days ago, so that's good!

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A/N: we've finally met Mitsuba! The next chapter will for sure be fun to write! I'm getting better too, I'm not as sick as I was a couple days ago, so that's good!

Have a nice day! ^^

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