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It was a normal day at Komome Academy

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It was a normal day at Komome Academy. The day had gone smoothly until lunch came around, having to fight off some bullies that picked on a junior, taking the two bullies to the principal's office. Roaming around the halls of the old school building, you came across a room down a staircase.
"Huh, I haven't seen this room before.." you said and began to walk over to the door. But before you could knock on it, the doors swung open almost hitting you in the face. You fell back, no because of the door, but because of the supernatural that had attached itself to you.

"Y/N!" You recognized the voice of the ghost as Tsu... something, the weird supernatural that kept on calling you Hoshi. Standing up you began to walk into the room - Tsukasa attached to you like a koala, hugging you from the front, arms and legs tangled around your body.

Standing in the room, you looked around, but you were quite bored with how it looked, so you didn't pay any attention to it. Your eyes traveled to a couch and you began making your way over to it, but you almost fell over when Tsukasa decided to hug you even tighter. You abruptly stopped walking to steady yourself, letting Betty and your bag fall to the floor as you held Tsukasa in a very hugging manner.
"Hey! You almost made me lose my balance, you rat!"

Tsukasa began to giggle as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, a big smile on his face. Taking notice the his weird behaviour, you did what any person would do, ignore it until it goes away. But it didn't go away. As you sat down on the couch, Tsukasa did something that almost made your heart stop.

He licked you.


Then he bit you.

Deciding that that was it, you shoved him off you and glared at him, "Okay," you held your neck, looking down at the ghost that was now on the floor, "I don't know who you think you are, but you are not privileged enough to do something like that."
You stood up as your glare hardened and you turned to pick up your bag and bat, before you turned to walk out the door.

Tsukasa only looked at you before floating up in a stance. You opened were about to walk out the opened door when it suddenly shut close, locking you in there.
'That shit is starting to creep me out.' you thought and turned around, only to see that Tsukasa was merely two inches away from your face, noses almost touching. You sweatdropped. What was with this guy? First he calls you by a random ass name, then he jumps on you, he clings on you like a koala and he both licks and bites your neck.

Tsukasa's face displayed no emotion as he stared at you with jet black eyes, before he gave you a closed-eyed smile, hugging you again.
"Funny joke, Y/N!"

'Funny...Joke?' Was this guy trying to get on your nerves or was he just normally this annoying? Either way, you were pissed.

"Tsu... whatever your name is, rat boy... Can you let me go? I really need to go and meet up with my friends-"


"...No?" You questioned, your forehead irking. You began to grab the back of his shirt. Trying to pry him off of yourself, you began to try to wiggle your way out of his grip, but that didn't work. You tried everything you could to get this boy off you, but nothing, and I mean nothing, worked. Heaving a sigh, you gave up.
"You're like the gum under my shoe..." you muttered, which he clearly heard.

"Thanks!" He beamed.

"That wasn't even... Y'know, I'm not even gonna try anymore." You walked back over to the couch after picking up your things, and threw them on the left side of it, taking a seat on the right side of the couch. "So... um, Tsu-whatever, what's your deal with me? Do you like me or something?"

"Of course I do!" He let go of you, taking a seat in front of you on the floor, "I like you, Y/N."

You let out a small snort, "You barely know me tho."

"Oh, I know everything about you-" then he began to ramble on about all the things that you hate to all the things that you love, what you did the day before and what you usually do during class. It was scary, and really creepy of him.
"And then-" the rest of Tsukasa's words were muffled by your hand.

"That's enough talking for today-" and he licked your hand, great. You quickly began to wipe your hand on the couch's fabric, looking at him with disgust, "Can you please stop doing that?"

"Why?" He asked you, "People do that to show affection, don't they?"

You sighed, "No. Animals do that, and you aren't an animal, Tsu. I'm not an animal either."

"Then what do people do?"

"Don't ask me that! Plus, you're probably going to start doing the shit that I tell you, and I rather you not. Now, can I please leave? Lunch is about to end and-"

He put a hand on your mouth, shutting you up, "That's enough talking for today." He repeated your words from earlier, making an irk mark appearon your face.

You leaned back from his hand and crossed your arms over your chest, muttering, "Whatever..."

"Now," he moved your things down, and onto the floor, and sat down beside your sulking figure, "what do people do to show affection?"

Letting out another sigh, you gave in, "I don't know... They hug each other? Maybe kiss - but that's only to the people that they love. My mother said that mom usually cuddles with her whenever she's sleepy..."

"Like this?" Tsukasa put his arms around your waist and leaned his head on your shoulder.

You tensed up before relaxing, "Yeah, like that... I guess."
Why was he doing this again? And why were you still here?! You just wanna go and meet up with Yashiro...
Then you felt something soft on your cheek. You looked at Tsukasa, only to see him smiling like an idiot. Did he just...? Whatever, it's not like it hasn't happened before, your mother used to give you a peck on the cheek whenever it was bedtime.

Then you heard a click sound come from the door, and it opened. A girl with green hair walked in with a brunette on her side that was, seemingly, flirting with her, but he stopped once he saw you.
"W-wha-what are they doing here!" He stuttered out before going behind the girl, "Shield me, m'lady!"

"Imma just head out-" and you quickly got up, took your things and left, leaving Tsukasa and the others alone.


"Calm down."


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