"ailurophile" 🍑 {minsung}

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{contains: animal hybrid, detailed smut, consensual bxb}
(characters - approx. 5450)

ailurophile; a person who loves cats

ailurophile; a person who loves cats

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—— { ~ » ֍ » ~ } ——

     "I don't even know what to do anymore, man. All I do is sleep and work, then sleep and work some more. Rinse and repeat, every day for the past two years. It's like... It's like I have no life anymore," the inebriated accountant slurred exasperatedly. The pint of beer he held landed haphazardly onto the bar top with an unintentionally loud clash of glass. His head fell forward onto the bar thereafter, his forehead pressed flat against the cool tiles lining the surface. "This isn't how I'd imagined my life going after graduation... Haven't even had a relationship since junior year. I'm so lonely," he punctuated his intoxicated tangent with a despondent sigh.

     The main recipient of his melodramatic venting (his long-time friend and colleague, Hwang Hyunjin) placed his own adult beverage down - albeit more delicately - before patting between his shoulder blades in an effort to comfort the older male. "It's okay, you'll find your 'groove' and be back to having fun like before in no time! So what if you don't have anyone to go home to, or kiss you goodbye, or leave sweet little notes in your lunch...  That doesn't matter! You're the Lee Minho! "

     The aforementioned man idly rolled his head over to send a glare to the ditzy box-blonde sat beside him. "You suck at this," he grumbled. Minho straightened his lax posture just enough to take a substantial swig of his beer, scrunching his nose in disgust afterward. Despite generally not caring to indulge in the rampantly active drinking culture in the local area, there were instances where he suppressed his distaste of alcohol for the sake of achieving a nice buzz. Being stuck surrounded by his fellow peons from the accounting firm in a rambunctious, crowded pub following an obligatory company meal was one of these times. He couldn't will himself to suck up to his boss and supervisors without being at least a little tipsy.

     "Me? Suck at what?" Hyunjin questioned incredulously as he crossed his arms over his chest. His frangible ego was apparently bruised by the crabby comment.

     "Making me feel better," Minho elaborated curtly prior to flagging down the bartender and ordering a round of soju for them both. Once the first set of shots had arrived and were presented to the duo, they clinked them together with a halfhearted 'cheers'.

     "Here's to getting drunk off our asses, I guess."

{  ~ » ֍ » ~  }

     An incredibly unstable, uncoordinated Minho laughed breathlessly as his key finally slid into the door handle to his apartment successfully. The typically trouble-free task transformed into a clumsy game of 'pick-which-key-is-actually-there-and-not-double-vision', of which was only won after he squeezed one eye shut. After oh so gracefully stumbling over his own feet and the rug at the entry, his loafers, socks and slacks were abandoned somewhere on the way to the fridge. He retrieved the liter of orange juice housed within and, perhaps impolitely, forewent a glass (instead drinking directly from the carton). Then again, he lived alone, so there was no one else to care.

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