"groupie" 🍑 {jeongsung}

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For one of my favorite authors, Honney_Bri


   {contains: brief mentions of alcohol, detailed smut, bxb}

(characters - approx. 3790)


  Flashing lights, thrumming bass, an entourage, and hard liquor - all components to a good night as far as the infamous rap trio, 3RACHA, were concerned. Following their fast-paced, energetic shows, the best way that they had found to relax was to settle down into the VIP section of the venue they often performed at and procure a hefty amount of alcohol and babes. Their preferred section overlooked the majority of the crowded dance club, so the three could easily scope out that night's prey.

     3RACHA were undoubtedly talented, but their quick rise to success at such a young age inflated their egos to an irritating degree, hence why they were regarded as infamous. That, and they were players. The men knew that they could easily get into whoever's pants that they wanted to, no matter the gender, and they shamelessly used that to their advantage - bringing home a new lay nearly every night. After all, who wouldn't want to fuck a rich and attractive rapper?

     Chan (a.k.a CB97), the eldest amongst their group, was the first to stake his claim on someone. He'd taken a liking to a slim, salacious blonde who was very clearly pining for his attention all evening. In a matter of minutes, they were all over each other; sharing drinks, aggressively making out, and on the verge of unabashedly dry humping each other on one of the leather sofas they inhabited. "Mm, baby," he practically growled as their hungry kisses paused momentarily so that he could take another shot of liquor. His free hand slid down their waist to grope their skimpily-clad ass. The petite man on his lap mewled and pressed impossibly closer so that he could speak into his ear.

     "Please take me home and fuck me, Channie~ I need you," he practically whimpered at the end as his pelvis met the man's beneath him in a desperate search for friction.

     The absolutely unadulterated lechery seeping from his uncharacteristically deep voice shot straight down to Chan's already bulging erection. He cursed and clambered off of the furniture, wrapping an arm around his groupie and nodding toward the remaining two to alert them to his abrupt departure. After gaining acknowledgment, the blonde giggled and clung to his muscular frame as they hurriedly exited through the back door (so that Chan could enter his back door).

     Jisung's inebriated gaze perused the sea of patrons below. Unsurprisingly, no one really stood out to him since his expectations were extremely high. That is, however, until his eyes landed on a man sat at the bar nearby. His snowy white hair was what caught his attention initially, but even from afar he could admire how attractive he appeared in his tight, pleather pants and sleeveless ivory blouse. Around his chiseled bicep was a leatherette cuff that effortlessly brought the viewer's attention to his hard-earned muscles. Jisung smirked and licked his lips as he observed over the rim of his glass. "Found one, Bin," he bragged to the older man on his right.

     Changbin, generally known as the dark rapper Spear.B, followed his line of sight and chuckled. "Nah man, he's out of your league for sure. I've tried to get with him and he shot me down right away," he recalled bitterly prior to taking another swig of the unidentified drink he'd been passed by the waiters circulating the VIP area.

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