"cynophilist" 🧁 {seungjin}

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{contains: animal hybrid, copious amounts of fluff}
(Approx. word count: 2470)

Cynophilist; a person who loves dogs


A muffled groan sounded from where Hyunjin had buried his face within his hands. He'd invited Minho (and by association, Hana) over that evening to explain the entire ordeal, but the situation somehow made even less sense. When he peeked through his slender fingers, he caught a glimpse of Minho sandwiched between the two hybrids. Hana clung to his arm and was glaring daggers into Minnie, but the latter was oblivious. He just sat there wagging his tail and playing with every single item he could find within his vicinity. It was as if the world was brand new and he seemingly found delight in everything around him.

The sight would be laughable if he wasn't so perplexed and consumed by his own disbelief. How could something this ridiculous happen to them, of all people - two plain ol', peon-level accountants? As far as the universe's totem pole was concerned, the men were pretty far down... So why were they the ones chosen to witness such a bizarre phenomenon?

When Minnie's floppy ears perked up at the sound of the bell around the feline's neck rattle, he innocently reached across Minho's personal space to inspect the fascinating object. Hana hissed and swiped at his hand - ears flattened and sharp teeth bared. Minnie recoiled in horror and tucked his tail between his legs, pouting with his big puppy-dog eyes at the prickly male he wished so desperately to befriend. The man between the two scolded Hana, waggling his finger in his face as if he was still the little fluff ball of a kitten he had been before. "But Hana doesn't like dogs. They are scary and chase Hana," he whined. It was his turn to pout now; he tuned his cuteness up to 1,000 and pushed his bottom lip out as his amber eyes stared up at Minho though his thick lashes.

Hyunjin audibly gasped when his friend kissed the hybrid right in front of him. "What are you doing?!" All three men on the couch were startled by the abrupt outburst. Minho chuckled awkwardly and rubbed at a nonexistent itch on his nape, suddenly finding the pillow on his lap to be extremely interesting. He'd conveniently left out the true nature of their relationship when he retold the events, but was too distracted by the hybrids (okay, mostly Hana) trying to fight like literal cats and dogs on either side of him that he forgot to hide it. Minnie, now curious, eyed the pillow and reached out to touch wherever Minho was so thoroughly examining, apparently forgetting what had happened when he'd encroached on their space just moments prior. Hana tightened his already death grip on his human's arm in response; if he had fur, it'd probably be bristled by now, but he was trying his best to be good for his human.

"Your behaviour is so... Ugh!" The box-blonde across from them suddenly cried out and stood from his spot, stomping away to the kitchen to get some water. Minho was right in assuming that if his eyes hadn't witnessed the situation firsthand, he would never believe it. But, unfortunately for him, they had - so there was no possibility of denying that this was reality. His sweet pup had transformed into a humanoid hybrid and not only that, Minnie could change back to his old form... Well, if he knew how he was doing it, that is. Instead, it seemed to happen randomly and although he'd seen it happen a few times already, it was just as jarring as the first time. One moment Hyunjin would be fretting about what to do with the (thankfully no longer bare) man in his home, then next thing he knew, a golden retriever pup would prance up to him with the remnants of his clothing stuck over his little head.

After a few minutes of recollecting himself, the blonde returned to the small living room. Minnie immediately brightened and popped up off the chair, his tail waggling excitedly and eyes sparkling. There was no denying that the dog-turned-man was adorable, so rather than continue trying to, Hyunjin cautiously opened his arms and braced himself for the body barreling it's way toward him. Sure enough, Minnie was soon in his embrace, peppering affectionate kisses over the slightly taller male's chin and cheeks. "Ack! I get it already! I was literally only gone for like ten minutes, but I've missed you too, Minnie," he giggled while he attempted (and inevitably failed) to evade the canine's love.

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