"prove it" 🍑 {seungbin}

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{contains: brief mentions of alcohol, detailed smut, bxb}

(characters - approx. 3358)


     The sizable crowd gathered around the benches near the water fountain erupted into laughter and jeers at the supposed sexcapades that the jocks shared.

     "Oh yeah, she was all 'fuck me harder' and 'you're so good to me'," one of the males in the epicenter gloated, "I had to get out of there before she asked me to be her boyfriend or something!" He slung an arm over the muscular man beside him, poking his chest with an accusatory pointer finger. "What about you, huh, big boy?"

"Yeah! Tell us Changbin!" Someone else urged, eager to hear more lewd tales surrounding their classmates and university campus. They were so sure that he had to have some crazy stories after he had entered the semester like some big hot shot with his own dorm - something that was typically reserved for those who were either rich or had connections to the school faculty in some way. Changbin had to fight the overwhelming urge to cringe and shrug the limb off. They were right that he had the money, handsome looks, physique and attitude to be cocky, but he wasn't really as into casual sex as those around him seemed to be. Not wanting to lose the façade and popularity he'd garnered, though, he forced a chuckle as he wound up for some crazy story.

"You want to hear about who I've been seeing, huh?" He leant back against the fountain railing with a smug grin. "Well... This guy I met not too long after I moved into my dorm was absolutely thirsting after my cock, bro. Like, he wouldn't stop hitting me up, so I gave in and damn, he's so fucking freaky. Like - bondage, toys, whatever you can think of. But you'd never guess it since he plays totally innocent."

A few students glanced around at each other, trying to guess who he could be talking about. "Oh, and once I got him in bed he just would not stop begging me to fuck him... Guess I'm just irresistible or something," he acted out blowing on and polishing his nails against his letterman jacket prior to getting some high fives and brofists.

"Damn bro, who was it?" One freshman asked once his hand dropped back to his side, to which he quickly and smoothly cited that he didn't 'kiss and tell', but the guy persisted. "C'mon man, I'm not going to believe you without knowing who it was!"

Inwardly cursing the younger guy, Changbin surveyed past the crowd and named the first person he saw who could pass for appearing innocent. "Jeeze, fine," his gaze fell upon the particularly cute vice-president of their student council as he kindly spoke with another member. "It was Kim Seungmin."

Some gasped, some acted as though they knew he had something to hide, and others simply rolled their eyes in disbelief. What was important was that the others jocks around him cheered and congratulated him as if he had done something more momentous than lie about bedding the prestigious future valedictorian, so for now, Changbin reveled in the props he was given without much thought.


It didn't take long for news of the alleged affair to make its way around the affluent campus, and Seungmin was beyond pissed.

Besides vaguely recognizing the name and face, he had no idea who this 'Seo Changbin' was, or why on Earth he would lie about having sex with him. Seungmin just couldn't wrap his head around why Changbin would choose him of all people when he was sure that there were plenty of willing participants who would actually sleep with him. Why lie about something like that?

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