"girl power" p.2 👠 {changlix}

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This is a part two to the original story, so please read the first one before continuing for context.

As a reminder: "she/her" refers to Felix' now female body, whereas "he/him" may used occasionally to signify his internal thoughts... It might be slightly confusing but I tried my best to make the distinction clear!

{contains cursing, gender switch, bxg/bxb}

(approx. 4100 words)


"We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters."
― Gloria Steinem


     Felix's morning stretch was accompanied by a long, drawn out yawn. "Oh, sorry," the teen apologized when she accidentally hit Chan as she lifted her arms. Wait a minute... She bolted upright and proceeded to pat over her body, or rather, the body that was quite unlike her original one. "Nooo!" She cried out when she realized that she hadn't changed back after all. If her bedmate wasn't awake before, he certainly was now.

     "Ugh, mate... Don't yell first thing in the morning," the older teen grumbled through his still sleep-laden voice as he groggily shifted up the bed to rest against the pillows. 

     Felix couldn't understand why his body wasn't reverted back to male. Was there some magical spell to reverse this curse? How could he know, when he wasn't even sure how it happened to begin with? He thought he had learned and experienced all that there was to, so why was he still like this? Felix tugged at her messy, brunette mane in frustration and groaned.

     And so, in the ensuing several days, Felix was kind to every single person that she met - almost to an annoying level. She offered to carry things (which resulted in dropping a few things that were far too heavy for her petite frame), held doors open (sometimes standing there for several minutes as people meandered in instead of hurrying when they saw her acting as a door-woman), and complimented everyone. He figured that it must just be his bad attitude that needed work, so he tried his best to rectify his previous judgmental bitchiness; but despite that, every morning without fail, he awoke in the same predicament. Meanwhile, his newly acquired uterus was throwing a tantrum.

     Do you know how hard it is to be nice when you've got killer cramps? Hint: not easy at all, he thought bitterly.

     On the bright side, she and Lily had really hit it off and she had begun to accompany Felix, Chan, and Changbin for lunch and free period. She even lent Felix some of her uniform skorts, which was an invention she never knew that she needed in her life, and could no longer live without. She and Chan believed that Felix' parents had somehow been convinced that he was stuck at Chan's house with a cold - but in reality, they clocked the BS from a mile away, but were just glad to have a break from his sour attitude for a few days. As long as he was safe and still attending school, they didn't really care how long he was gone since, despite the crankiness, he was very responsible compared to some other teens.

     There was an additional development, that being his ongoing crush on the handsome, steely-haired beauty that had been spending more time with them. He may have come across as intimidating despite his small stature, but in actuality, he was an absolute sweetheart. Felix was definitely interested before, but now he felt as though he'd been swept off his feet by the charisma, chivalry and camaraderie displayed by Changbin - which he definitely spent plenty of time gushing over with Lily during their girly gossip sessions.

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