"the unreachable embrace" ☕️ {minsung}

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The dimly lit bathroom exuded an oppressive stillness, mirroring the weight of Minho's despair. His relocation for work had ensnared him in a labyrinth of isolation, extinguishing any hope for a fresh start. That fateful night, engulfed in a haze of alcohol, a desperate notion clawed at Minho's mind, urging him towards the mirror. With quivering fingers, he etched circles onto the foggy surface, leaving behind a faint mark.

"Come forth, ghost," Minho's voice trembled, saturated with longing and desolation. "Reveal yourself to me."

As he stared into his own unyielding reflection, devoid of any supernatural presence, his laughter twisted into a bitter echo. Self-reproach seeped into his thoughts, berating him for seeking solace in the realm of the supernatural, for daring to believe that something beyond his grasp could relieve his profound loneliness. But just as he resigned himself to the folly of his endeavor, a chilling shiver crept down his spine, arresting him in icy fear.

Within the mirror's depths, a figure materialized—an apparition draped in ethereal darkness, exuding a haunting aura. Hollow eyes, vacant and distant, locked with Minho's gaze. It was Jisung, a tormented spirit, emanating an enigmatic presence.

"Why did you summon me?" Jisung's voice reverberated through the bathroom, its tone laced with confusion. "Loneliness and friendship lie beyond my domain."

Minho's voice faltered as he confronted the spectral gaze of his unexpected visitor. "I... I'm sorry. I heard tales of summoning spirits, and I thought... I thought you could be a companion, someone to share my burdens."

The ghost's ethereal form softened, a fleeting flicker of empathy danced within his translucent eyes. "Though we may not bear the same burdens, I can attempt to be present for you, Minho. In my own spectral way."

Days bled into weeks, each passing moment weaving Minho and Jisung's souls closer together. Within the confines of Minho's desolate abode, they found solace amidst the haunting shadows, engaging in conversations that defied the limitations of their existence. The ethereal nature of their connection fueled an undeniable intimacy, their shared experiences transcending the boundaries of life and death.

As they explored the depths of their souls, a delicate dance of emotions unfolded. Jisung's spectral presence brought a sense of comfort to Minho, his ethereal essence a soothing balm for the ache of loneliness. They confided in each other, revealing their deepest fears and desires, secrets that would have remained hidden in the mortal realm.

In the hushed darkness, their voices intertwined like wisps of smoke, entwining their essences and drawing them ever closer. Moments of shared laughter, borne from the understanding of their otherworldly existence, held an undercurrent of something more profound. Their connection grew with an intensity that surpassed the boundaries of friendship, hinting at a burgeoning romance that neither of them could fully comprehend.

Jisung, though a being of the spirit realm, found himself captivated by Minho's earthly essence. He marveled at Minho's resilience in the face of adversity, the way his eyes sparkled with a flicker of hope, even in the darkest of moments. The ghostly figure yearned to hold Minho, to caress his face with spectral fingers, and to bridge the gap between their disparate realms.

And Minho, in turn, found himself drawn to Jisung's enigmatic aura. The ghost's ethereal presence held a haunting beauty, an allure that transcended the limitations of physical existence. Minho longed to feel the ghostly touch that eluded him, to intertwine his fingers with Jisung's and revel in the ecstasy of a shared embrace.

But as their connection deepened, so did their torment. The impossibility of their union weighed heavily on their hearts, a cruel reminder that they could never truly be together. The romantic undertones that shimmered beneath their interactions were both a source of bittersweet joy and unbearable anguish.

They danced on the precipice of a love that defied the boundaries of life and death, their souls entangled in a delicate balance between yearning and despair. In the shadows, they shared stolen glances filled with unspoken longing, their unfulfilled desires echoing through the ethereal plane.

Yet, even as the flames of their romance flickered with a tantalizing glow, they were overshadowed by the cruel reality that Jisung's ephemeral nature meant their union could never be consummated. The knowledge gnawed at their souls, threatening to extinguish the fragile flame that burned between them.

It was within this realm of unfulfilled love that they found themselves suspended, entangled in a dance of passion and suffering, forever yearning for a connection that could never be fully realized. Their hearts ached with the weight of an impossible love, echoing through the haunting stillness of their desolate abode.

Yet, like wisps of smoke, they could never truly touch. Jisung would extend his hand, fingers brushing against Minho's, only to pass through like intangible mist. The absence of tangible sensation gnawed at Minho's heart, intensifying his yearning for something forever out of reach.

In a moment of desperation, Minho found himself standing by his reflection, the presence of Jisung's spectral form drawing near. Trembling, he turned, his voice laden with an overwhelming longing. "Hold me, Jisung. Even if I can't feel you, just embrace me from behind. Let me imagine what it feels like."

Jisung's ethereal arms encircled Minho's fragile form, but no matter how ardently Minho concentrated, how desperately he tried to conjure the semblance of a ghostly touch, it eluded him. Instead, a profound, cavernous ache settled deep within his chest, his imagination serving only to amplify the searing pain.

Haunted by the knowledge that their connection would forever remain unfulfilled, Jisung made a heart-rending decision. "I cannot bear witness to your suffering, Minho," he whispered, his spectral voice thick with anguish. "I must cease these visits, even if it shatters us both."

"No!" Minho's voice cracked, his gaze fixed on the bathroom mirror, his reflection distorted by teardrops streaming down his cheeks. "Please, Jisung, don't abandon me. I cannot endure this endless void."

But no matter how fervently Minho wept, how desperately he pleaded, Jisung never reappeared. The mirror remained silent, a chilling void that reflected only Minho's inconsolable grief, condemning him to drown in an ocean of unrequited longing and shattered dreams.


{my first ever attempt at a sad ending... how did I do?}

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