"forging paths: a witch's redemption and a demon's purpose" 🔮 {minsung}

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Minho crouched on a rooftop, hidden in the shadows as he observed the small cottage on the outskirts of town. This was his first assignment as a reaper demon, tasked with claiming a human soul. He was ready to fulfill his duty, to carry out the wicked desires of the underworld. But fate had a different plan in store for him.

With a flicker of ethereal flame, Minho descended onto the ground, taking on the form of a sleek black cat. He slinked through the tall grass, his keen feline eyes trained on the cottage. It was said that a witch resided within, a young man named Jisung who had been preyed upon by demons before. Minho relished the thought of ensnaring such a hardened soul.

Slipping through an open window, Minho found himself in a cluttered room filled with dusty reagents, spellbooks, and enchanted artifacts. Jisung, the witch, sat cross-legged on the floor, his gaze fixed on a flickering candle flame. He seemed unfazed by Minho's presence, as if he had encountered demons countless times before.

Curiosity piqued, Minho transformed back into his humanoid form, retaining the telltale traits of his feline facade – sharp teeth, a swishing tail, and captivating feline eyes. With an air of arrogance, he cleared his throat and announced his presence.

"Jisung, I am Minho, a lowly demon sent to claim your soul," Minho declared, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Jisung glanced up from his spellcasting, a nonchalant expression on his face. "Well, isn't that just my luck," he retorted, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Another demon trying to make a deal. Sorry to disappoint, but I've already dealt with your kind, and your tricks won't work on me."

Minho's smirk faltered, replaced by a scowl. This wasn't going as planned. He was used to humans quivering with fear at the mere sight of him, yet Jisung seemed almost amused by his presence. Frustration coiled within him, mingled with a desire to prove himself.

"Well, well, Jisung," Minho sneered, crossing his arms. "Since you're so unimpressed, how about we make a little wager? I'll give you a chance to escape your impending fate. If you can outwit me, your soul shall remain untouched."

Jisung's eyes gleamed with a mischievous spark. "Oh, this should be fun," he said, rising to his feet. "But let's make things interesting. If I win, you owe me a favor. And if you win... well, I suppose you'll finally get what you came for."

Minho's frustration twisted into determination. He accepted the challenge, determined to prove his worth and collect his first human soul. However, as he spent more time observing Jisung, his perspective began to shift.

One night, while Jisung slept soundly, Minho's curiosity got the better of him. He peered into the witch's dreams, delving into the depths of his subconscious. There, he witnessed a heartbreaking scene – Jisung standing amidst the charred remains of his family, their bodies soulless, their magic extinguished. The young witch vowed to become strong, to continue the job of protecting their town, despite the tragedies that had befallen them.

This revelation struck a chord within Minho, making him question the nature of his mission. Was he truly the enemy here? After all, he was essentially doing the same thing – reaping souls and perpetuating darkness. Doubt began to gnaw at his core, eroding his resolve.

Unable to quell his inner turmoil, Minho returned to the demonic realm through the gate that had brought him to the mortal world. He sought counsel from his superiors, hoping to find answers that would reconcile the conflicting desires within him.

The elders revealed a dark secret, divulging the tragic history of Jisung's family. They had been a long line of magic users, tasked with keeping the demons at bay, surrounding their town with protective wards. But one fateful day, their focus had wavered when Jisung was attacked, leaving him scarred with a deep mark across his face and neck.

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