"chance encounter" 🍑 {minsung}

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Jisung had always sought serenity in the quiet countryside, where nature enveloped him like a warm embrace. The mobility challenges blindness brought made navigating bustling cities a daunting task, and he preferred to avoid crowded places whenever possible. However, a deep yearning for change, an unexplainable tug toward something new, led Jisung to make a life-altering decision—to leave behind the familiar tranquility of his countryside home and venture into the heart of Seoul, the very epitome of urban chaos.

On a sunny day, Jisung ventured down the busy streets of Seoul, a gentle hand sweeping back and forth before him as he relied on his senses to guide his way. His destination was a local farmer's market, where he hoped to find an array of fresh and delicious vegetables. He was determined to maintain a healthy lifestyle and his connection to nature even amidst the concrete jungle.

As Jisung carefully selected his produce, his fingers gently grazing over the vibrant colors and textures, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Little did he know that fate had an unexpected encounter in store for him.

Struggling to balance the bags of vegetables in his hands, Jisung embarked on the journey back home. The weight of the bags coupled with his difficulties in walking without sight posed a significant challenge. Just as he was about to cross the street, an impatient passerby bumped into him, shoving him off balance. Jisung stumbled, his bags slipping from his grasp, and he found himself unceremoniously seated on the pavement.

His vegetables scattered and rolled away, much to Jisung's dismay. Frustration welled up within him, but he had grown accustomed to the indifference of others. However, unbeknownst to him, there was someone nearby who had witnessed the entire incident.

Minho, a street-savvy cat hybrid with a tough exterior, had been observing the scene from a short distance away. His presence exuded an air of quiet confidence and a hint of danger, a demeanor cultivated by a life lived on the fringes of society. Tattoos adorned his arms, intricate designs that told stories only he knew, while piercings glinted in the sunlight, hinting at a rebellious spirit that refused to be tamed.

Having been cast out by his own blood as a kitten, Minho had become entangled in a life of petty crime, navigating the labyrinthine alleyways of the city with the same grace as his feline counterparts. He had forged an unbreakable bond with a disparate group of hybrids, each with their own stories of rejection and survival. Together, they had formed a found family, a haven in the midst of chaos.

Minho's appearance alone was enough to deter most from crossing his path. His intense gaze seemed to read the intentions of those around him, a skill honed through countless trials. The streets had gifted him a stoic exterior, a shield against the harsh realities he faced. Few dared to challenge him, for his reputation preceded him - whispers of his exploits, a name that invoked both respect and trepidation.

Tattoos peeked out from beneath the collar of his shirt, hinting at a hidden narrative etched into his skin. Each mark told a story - of battles fought, of alliances forged, of scars that bore witness to his resilience. His piercings, an array of gleaming metal, were a testament to his defiance, a visual proclamation that he wouldn't conform to the norms dictated by a world that had rejected him.

In the shadows, Minho's gang moved with a synchronized grace, a collective force to be reckoned with. The hybrids that composed his found family were as diverse as the city itself - a wolf with eyes that held both wisdom and honor, a fox with a mischievous grin that belied his cunning, and others, each with their own unique blend of human and hybrid traits. Together, they had formed their own code, their own sense of belonging in a world that had turned its back on them.

Minho's presence in the scene was undeniable, a silent observer with a history carved into his very being. His tattoos, piercings, and imposing demeanor all spoke a language of survival, of a life shaped by adversity. In the midst of bustling chaos, he stood as a figure of strength and resilience, a guardian of the outcasts who had become his family.

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