"girl power" p.1 👠 {changlix}

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For clarification purposes, "he/him" pronouns may occasionally be used for the person "inside", whereas "she/her" pronouns will be used otherwise. The body will be female, but the mind still belongs to the male. Italics are used for emphasis or to distinguish thoughts. I hope that makes sense, and hopefully I won't mess them up too many times.

{contains some sexism (nothing too intense), cursing, gender switch, and general assholery early on}

(approx. 4500 words)


Before you judge a woman, try walking a mile in her Louboutins


     Heads turned and hormones surged as the distinctive clatter of high heels against linoleum echoed their presence throughout the high school's bustling halls. The owner of the obnoxious footwear swayed her hips exaggeratedly and tossed her long, red hair over her shoulder as she passed by the students at their lockers, as if she was in a Pantene commercial or something. A particular freckled brunette remained unfazed by the performative entrance, rolling his eyes and hitting his friend's shoulder, successfully halting his obvious gawking once he did.

     "Hey! What was that for, Lix?" The older teen pouted, rubbing the spot on his bulky bicep. In reality, it didn't hurt much; he was jacked in comparison to Felix's slim frame, since, y'know... He actually bothered to keep in shape - something Felix was not interested in in the slightest. Time spent working out could be better invested in virtual raid progression, after all.

     Felix snickered and slung his book bag over his shoulder after emptying whatever wasn't needed into his locker. "Bro, Chan, you were practically drooling," he slammed the locker closed, double checking that it was latched afterward. "You just gotta ignore females like that. They feed off the attention and get too high and mighty for their stilettos. That way they can get whatever they want."

     It was Chan's turn to roll his eyes as they set off toward their first class. "I didn't realize you were our school's resident girl-expert. How do you know so much when you've never even been close to one?" He jabbed his side with his elbow, eliciting a pained whine.

     "Mate, you know that I have sisters. Besides, how much is there to know? Being a girl isn't hard at all. Just be hot or have big tits and you'll have the world at your fingertips," he stated a bit too loudly as they entered their classroom, which earned him a scowl from the older female teacher at the board.

     "And you know that that doesn't count," the older teen whispered from his seat behind him while they pulled out their materials. "I dunno man, I just think that you're being too harsh about something you've never personally experienced," he added, casually winking at one of the girls that turned in her chair to wave at him.

     "Tch... If I did, I bet it'd be easy. I'd have everyone at my beck and call from my looks alone," he declared impishly, gaining an aggravated 'shh' just before their teacher began her lecture. Chan simply waived him off and sat back in his chair, deciding to drop the topic since his friend was choosing to be willfully ignorant. He loved Felix like his very own little brother-from-another-mother, but he was stubborn to a fault and apparently spent too much time browsing the internet's numerous misogynistic echo chambers for his own good.

     Oh well. He'll learn someday, the elder reasoned before dedicating himself to the oh so riveting calculus lesson.


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