"lost in friendship, found in love" 🧁 {jilix}

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Han Jisung and Lee Felix had been inseparable best friends since their early childhood days, their bond growing stronger with each passing year. They had shared countless adventures and memories together, navigating the ups and downs of life side by side. But little did they know that beneath their platonic friendship, a deeper connection yearned to be realized.

One sunny day during their last year of high school, Jisung and Felix decided to embark on a special friend date. It was an opportunity to create new memories and strengthen their connection. Jisung, clad in his favorite grey hoodie, awaited Felix's arrival at the park entrance with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

When Felix arrived, his flaxen hair catching the sunlight, Jisung's heart fluttered in his chest. His brown eyes, hidden behind his glasses, sparkled with a tinge of uncertainty. "Hey, Felix! Ready for our adventure today?" Jisung greeted, trying to mask his growing anticipation.

Felix's face lit up with an exuberant smile, his freckled cheeks perked up with joy. "Yeah! Let's do this!"

As they strolled through the serene park, their steps in sync, Jisung found himself stealing glances at Felix, captivated by his every move. He couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them, something beyond their cherished friendship. But the fear of risking their bond held him back.

Felix, unaware of Jisung's inner turmoil, was his usual affectionate self, casually draping his arm around Jisung's shoulder. They chatted about their favorite movies, shared silly anecdotes, and laughed freely. Their bond was evident in the ease with which they communicated, finishing each other's sentences and making each other double over with laughter. Jisung marveled at how Felix's presence could turn his reserved nature into pure joy.

Their boisterousness echoed through the park, drawing the attention of passersby who couldn't help but admire the chemistry between them. Some whispered, teasingly suggesting that they were more than just friends, but Jisung and Felix remained oblivious to the assumptions, their minds preoccupied with their own internal struggles.

As they reached a picturesque spot near a small pond, Jisung noticed a cluster of colorful flowers. He was struck by their beauty and couldn't help but pick one, gently tucking it behind Felix's ear. "You look even more stunning with a touch of nature, Felix," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Felix's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink, and he smiled shyly. "Thanks... You always know how to make me feel special."

In that moment, a flicker of something more than friendship passed between them. It was a tiny seed planted, silently growing beneath the surface. But they were both oblivious to its significance, believing it to be nothing more than a fleeting moment of appreciation.

Their day continued, filled with laughter, shared secrets, and the warmth of their friendship. They moved on to the bustling mall. Felix's eyes lit up with excitement, eager to explore the various stores and experiences it had to offer. Jisung, his heart pounding in his chest, followed along.

In one store, Jisung's gaze was captivated by a claw machine filled with adorable stuffed animals. His mind raced, contemplating whether he should make a move or let the opportunity slip away. With a surge of courage, he decided to seize the moment. After a few attempts, he miraculously won a small, fluffy chick plushie.

"Look, Felix! It's so cute, just like you," Jisung said, his voice betraying the mix of admiration and affection he held for his best friend.

Felix's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and his eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't hide the genuine delight that spread across his face. In a moment of impulsiveness, Felix leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Jisung's cheek, a gesture that held more weight than he could have imagined.

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