"chuesok" 🍑 {minsung}

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"One, two... Step out! We are Stray Kids! Thank you for your hard work today!"

Eight men shouted in unison, paired with enthusiastic applause and several deep bows directed toward their diligent production crew. The group had just wrapped up their filming session for two Chuesok-themed episodes that would soon be uploaded to their YouTube channel. Their fanbase, STAY, was sure to love the goofy, chaotic energy they'd brought about within the studio, so they were hyped to see their responses whenever the videos were released.

After expressing their gratitude one last time, they began funneling off toward their green room while sharing idle conversations. A startled yelp sounded from the tail end of the line caused the others to pause and glance behind them, but they just bemusedly shook their heads at the sight of the second eldest rubbing his bicep after being pinched.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

At his side was a slightly shorter brunette wearing a comedically cartoonish pout and crossing his toned arms across his equally built chest. "You know what you did," he murmured as he puffed his chubby cheeks up in annoyance and shuffled in front of the other man. An indignant whine escaped the male when a pair of strong arms snaked around his waist and kept him from going any further down the small hall.  He attempted to flee, but instead stumbled back against his captor as he stood firm.

"Han Jisung," he stated, trying to get his attention.

"Lee Minho." 

The aforementioned could hear his boyfriend's sulkiness through tone alone, so he pulled the petite body in his arms closer and began pecking at his cheeks and any skin that his loose hanbok exposed. When told to 'stoOoOop', he chuckled and placed a kiss as close to Jisung's mouth as he could from the side with a loud muah. "Stop pouting and tell me what's wrong, then."

Jisung spun around in his arms and tried to push away from his chest weakly. He didn't actually want to leave his embrace - in actuality, the heat evidently  painted across his cheeks and nose gave away just how flustered the kisses and closeness made him - but he was being obstinate. Honestly, he wasn't even that annoyed anymore, but as always, he had to have a dramatic flare to whatever he did.

"You touched my butt on camera," he grumbled, stubbornly staring at the bit of Minho's chest that peeked out from the neckline of his traditional holiday garment rather than meeting the gaze he felt trained onto his rosy face.

"But I always touch your butt on camera. You've never seemed bothered before..?" Minho cocked his head to the side in obvious confusion. Being the Butt-Hunter of Gimpo was his full-time career alongside being an idol. Even non-STAYs had heard of his proclivity for slapping his members' backsides at any opportunity. It was honestly more shocking if he didn't do it at this point.

Jisung whined softly and hid his face behind his red and black striped nails in response. "You don't poke me with that kind of accuracy usually," he murmured from behind the shield of his palms. "Your finger legit touched parts of me that shouldn't be touched in front of other people, let alone on camera!"

The fair-haired man paused for a moment to process the hastily uttered complaints before bursting out into laughter and squeezing his boyfriend against his chest. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to. Guess my fingers are just destined to find those parts," he joked, though it probably wasn't a false statement. A very embarrassed Jisung huffed and finally broke away from his imprisonment, scurrying away to change out of his hanbok and into the athleisure attire he'd worn prior. Minho followed suit and soon all eight men were piled into the vehicles that their company, JYP Entertainment, had provided.

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