Good Intentions

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Doors slamming. Voices raised. No matter what they did, they always came back to this. It was like they couldn't help it, like they couldn't help themselves when they were around each other. Three years had passed, and they still had the ability to drive the other completely crazy.

"I'm so tired of hearing it Victoria, I don't care why you did it Victoria, you still fucking hurt me. You took three years away from me, three years with my daughter that I can't get back. And you can apologize all you want, but that still doesn't change anything or give me that time back" Roger fumed, slamming all the drawers shut in the kitchen as he tried to reign in his temper. He had been holding it for so long, this whole mass of confusion of feelings he had towards her; anger, betrayal, desire, that he couldn't physically control it anymore. The darkness had returned his eyes for the first time in three years.

"I-I know, and you probably think I did it to hurt you, but trust me, that was never my intention" she whispered softly. He groaned in frustration, tears falling freely from his eyes in anguish.

"I'm so tired of hearing about your good intentions, okay? Fuck, you're so infuriating sometimes, going on and on about your good intentions, constantly thinking about what's best for everyone else around you, instead of doing what you want for once"

"And how do you know what I want?" She chuckled bitterly. All they had done since they had come back into each others lives was argue, fighting over every little thing like they were a pair of lovestruck teenagers again. It was exhausting.

"You want the exact same thing I want" he stated arrogantly.

"Which is?" She demanded.

He crossed the room, furiously crashing his lips against her own, smiling because, even after all this time, the spark that flew whenever the two of them collided was brighter than ever.

"Trust me, honey, when it comes to you, sometimes it's much more fun for me to have the worst intentions" he whispered seductively in her ear once they finally pulled away from each. She grasped his hair, pulling the ends lightly, as she once more connected their lips.

He was addictive.

Good Intentions - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now