Heartbreak Hotel

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Song - Heartbreak Hotel By Elvis

AN: Thank you guys so much for 5K reads on this story! Also, if anyone is looking for something a little more light-hearted to read, I have a new Roger Taylor enemies to lovers story on my page that already has 4 chapters published. #shamelessselfpromo

MayRogers_ xx

Victoria sighed audibly as her tired eyes once more found themselves tearing away from the sheets of paper scattered on the bed around her to the ancient landline on her bedside table, the girl silently pleading for the phone to let out its shrill ring. She was trying to concentrate on her order invoices for the tattoo parlour, knowing that if she didn't focus, she would end up ordering the wrong quantities of each ink shade, yet the desire to hear from her lover continually clouded her mind, making it near impossible to focus on anything other than the silent phoneline, her only means of communicating with him. The orders - an activity that normally took an hour at most - had been plaguing the exhausted girl for two hours, the sky outside her window attesting to the fact that it had just passed midnight. She should have been asleep by now, or at least, attempting to sleep. But all she could focus on was the thought that at any moment, the phone might ring.

She was being ridiculous, she tried to remind herself, as she busied herself sifting through the order forms, once more forcing her gaze away from the landline. It had been two days since she departed from London, and already she was burning for him, for his company. She had barely slept a wink since she had returned to her cottage in the North, her once familiar, homely room no longer a source of comfort to her; she had grown too used to falling asleep in Roger's arms again. The world around her seemed eerily silent following the loss of his deep, husky voice, a sound she had been accustomed to hearing first thing in the morning and last thing at night. No matter what she did, she couldn't get the drummer out of her mind.

It didn't help that she'd had practically no contact with the drummer over the past few days, their conflicting schedules making long-distance communication more challenging than they had anticipated; she worked from the morning until the late afternoon, when she picked up her tiny daughter from her babysitters; his workday started around that time, the band preferring to start recording late and work into the early hours of the morning. It just so happened that they missed each other by a matter of seconds whenever they tried to call the other; when Victoria arrived home from work, Lola in her arms, and excitedly placed a call through to Roger's flat, the door was in the process of slamming behind him as he made his way to the studio; similarly, when he called in the mornings, it would be seconds after Victoria's van sped off the pebbled driveway.

Sure, they'd had a quick exchanges of 'hellos' in the instances when Roger had called the cottage mid-rehearsal to speak to Lola before the child went to bed, but they had sporadic and irritably short-lived, the band impatiently rushing Roger to end the call in the background so that they could return to recording. The little time he was allocated on the phone by the band, Victoria gave selflessly to her daughter, knowing that her father's sudden absence from her life had hit Lola hard. On his short phone call earlier, as Victoria had been preparing tea for the family, Roger had promised to call her as soon as they finished recording Killer Queen, before the phone was snatched from him and placed back on the receiver by an irritated Brian.

That had been five hours ago. Letting out a sigh of frustration, Victoria collected her loose invoices and placed them in a neat pile on her bedside table, resolving to finish them in the morning when she could concentrate properly. Besides, tomorrow had been her designated paperwork day, having no shifts at the pub or tattoo appointments to fill her schedule, and, other than the order forms, she had finished it all that evening as she awaited Roger's phone call. That left her a free day to spend with her daughter.

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