Save Tonight

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Song - Save Tonight by Eagle-Eyed Cherry
An: I'm sorry it's not as long as my previous updates, but it made sense to split the party into two chapters, the next of which will be posted over the next week. Please enjoy, and let me know if you spot any of the Easter Eggs.
May xx

Roger's POV
"You haven't messed up my lipstick, have you?" Roxi purred demandingly, her cat like claws anxiously pulling at the tight skin around her mouth, her feline eyes scanning her perfectly coated lips. The lipstick looked like blood against her vampiric skin. The clowns grimace on the painted actress.

No,of course I haven't messed up your lipstick, you insufferable airhead, because I'd actually have to kiss you for that, and I haven't had the stomach to touch you for days. Is our relationship now such a masque that we continue to play our parts behind closed doors?

I know what you want from me Rox, but I can't give it to you. You want this moment to be just like the movies you're dying to star in, the bright studio lights fixated on you as I play the role of the adoring lover, kissing your neck sensually as I surprise you with a golden necklace, wrapping the gilt around your neck as you gaze at me through the star-lit mirror. The Cary Grant to your Elizabeth Taylor.

I already have my Elizabeth Taylor. And she isn't you.

I'm leaving you in the morning, Roxi, you know that.

You had known that I were leaving you before I even set eyes on Victoria tonight.

"You look fine, Rox" I clicked my tongue, not bothering to hide my impatience. "Can we just go now?" I demanded. The tall blonde scowled up at me, her height almost matching my own in her towering heels.

"Fine" she spat, holding her glare a little while longer before she turned once more to the mirror, clumsily scrambling to collect her cosmetics into her little bag. I could tell that I had hurt her.

Better her than Tori.

"You do realise she's here with another man, don't you?" Roxi pointed out cruelly. "You're doing all this, leaving me for a girl who will never want you back" she continued to goad. I ignored the pit her words formed in my stomach.

The sight of her and Rod laughing together should have been the final nail on the coffin, the final spur that pulled me away from her, that convinced me that we were never meant to be, that she belonged to another.

That she'd never laugh like that with me.

Instead, it only fed my conviction that I was doing the right thing, that I had done the right thing, ending whatever the fuck I had with Roxi in the hopes of winning Victoria back. If it wasn't too late.

"Can you just hurry up?" I bit back a cruel retort, unwilling to get into another slanging match with the busty blonde. She glared up at me, her visage replaying the look she had shot me yesterday when I had casually walked into our shared bedroom and informed her I was leaving. She hadn't blinked, hadn't displayed any emotion, just calmly asked how that would effect her paparazzi opportunities.

Christ Taylor, you really can pick 'em.

"Do you even have a plan?" Roxi continued to demand, her lips fixed in a cruel, Cheshire Cat grimace. "A way to win her back from a man probably twice as talented as you are and who is likely to make her so much happier than you do?" I swallowed my anxiety, putting on my infamous Taylor bravado.

"I'm just going to tell her how I feel" I defended, as though it were really that simple.

As if I didn't have a tonne of shit to apologize for.

Good Intentions - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now