You're Supposed To Be My Friend

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Song - You're Supposed To Be My Friend By The 1990's

Brian's POV
"So you've finally decided to show up, then?" I snarled the moment Roger emerged through the studio doors, a carefree smile etched on his features, as though he hadn't paused the entire production process of the album and had us all sat there like lemons for the past two days. He looked a little shocked at my attack, raising his eyesbrows at me as he took off his leather jacket and threw it over the chair.

"What's got you knickers in a twist?" he questioned, almost gleefully. Freddie turned to glare at him, almost as annoyed as myself at Roger's antics.

The first day, when he disapeared to go to the beach had been bad enough, but at least we had known he wouldn't be turning up then, and hadn't bothered to go to the studio ourselves. The night after that, we weren't even granted the curtesy of an explanation; he just didn't show up.

"Two days, Roger, you've been gone two days, not one, as was originally agreed - hell, not even agreed, you just told us you weren't turning up on Wednesday. We didn't hear a word from you until Thursday night, at which point you were already two hours late for our planned recording session" I explained in exasperation, trying my best not to scream at the drummer and instead have a civiilised conversation. He rolled his eyes in response.

"Sorry, mother, I was with my family, if that's okay with you" Roger spat.

"No, that's not okay, because you didn't even have the decency to tell us. There's more people than just you in this band, Roger" I reminded him harshly.

"I lost track of time, okay? Happy now" He retorted sarcastically, turning his back on us, as though he was done with the argument, as he made his way to his drum kit. I stormed after him.

"No, I'm not happy. That's the worst apology you've given us yet" I shouted.

"I'm not apologising" Roger scoffed, that infamous, defiant Taylor 'Fuck You' scowl etched on his features. Deaky pushed himself in between us both, as always trying to be the preserver of peace.

"Come on Rog, we understand that you have other things going on right now, but it was a bit inconsiderate for you not to tell us you weren't coming in yesterday" Deaky explained carefully, trying to diffuse the situation. The look Roger shot him was contemptuous.

"I'm sorry that I have a family now, but you guys are just going to have to get used to that" Roger spat. I rolled my eyes at his lame excuse. "It's not my fault Brian isn't loved enough by anyone to understand what that's like" he added callously.

"It isn't my fault Victoria doesn't love you enough to stay down here so you can see her regularly without jeopardising Queen" I mumbled, so low I was almost convinced that he hadn't heard me. It took him a moment to process what I had said, his face contorting with pure rage the second the words sank in.

"Say that again, I fucking dare you!" he demanded, squaring up to me. Freddie grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him back before the situation could escalate any further. Deaky similarly took a step in front me, in case I did anything rash in my anger towards Roger.

"Maybe we should all just take five minutes and calm down?" Freddie suggested nervously. As pissed off as he was with Roger, he wasn't willing to endure one of Roger's temper tantrum by pushing the issue further. I was.

"No, I'm not letting him getting back into obnoxious patterns of behaviour just because she's back" I retaliated. Freddie sighed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roger demanded.

"You know exactly what it means! She's back for less than two weeks and already it's like the rest of us are dead to you" I spat.

"Is that what this is about? Because Victoria still isn't talking to you? Is the lickle ickle baby feeling left out?" Roger taunted cruelly. I ignored the insult and the pain it caused in my chest, refusing to let my emotions get the better of me.

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