All You Need Is Love

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Tw: mature ;) Blame a long flight and lots of turbulence for this one

February 1st, 1975

Low bursts of laughter rippled through the assembled company, the wine pouring freely. Hushed, laid-back conversations drifted through the relaxed atmosphere, smiles coating the faces of the spectators as the raven-haired singer energetically leaned over the table, gesturing wildly as the waiters wearily watched his tippling wine glass. It was a story the band had heard many times, but the girlfriends and families lapped it up eagerly, enchanted by Freddie's expert storytelling.

Roger's hand gripped her thigh softly under the table, his hand stroking the smooth skin. Although the blonde paid little outward attention to his antics, a small smile coated her lips. Her sunglasses rested atop her head despite the cold weather, as the band tried to avert the attention of the paparazzi.

Tonight were a special occasion, as could be indicated by the gathering around the table of not only the girlfriends, but also the families of the band. It was a night of thanksgiving, for the continued support of the families for the bands touring schedule; a night of celebration, for the bands stint in the UK charts and the announcement of the soon-to-be-wed Deacon family; a night of parting, for the band would soon be returning to the road. The smiling group tried to ignore that particular fact.

"So, that's when Roger threw his ham sandwich on the floor, shot Brian a death glare and started storming down the middle of the M5, much to the amusement of the cars trying to use the motorway" Freddie concluded boisterously, ignoring the glare of the drummer as the group began to laugh, Mrs Taylor shaking her head fondly ag her son.

"Honestly, Lola is better behaved than you!" Victoria exclaimed, shaking her head fondly. Roger tried not to get lost in her eyes, the glisten on her pale cheeks in the dying candlelight, as he cleared his throat.

"Pretty much everyone is better behaved than me, if you believe what Freddie here has to say" Roger rolled his eyes, rolling up his silk sleeves as he lounged back in his chair, a lit cigarette perched between his knuckles. Freddie held his hands up in mock surrender.

"It is not my fault you can cause a storm in a bloody teacup" Freddie slurred, his meaning indecipherable to the rest of the group as he swirled the dregs of his wine around the crystal glass. "Anyway, now that we have stopped bullying our dear drummer, I believe congratulations are once more in order for the happy couple. To the Deacons" Freddie enthused, raising his glass in time with the others who mumbled their congratulations. Veronica, a natural wallflower still ill at ease in such a large group, flushed slightly, burying her face in a grinning John's chest. Deaky's delight was palpable.

"Speaking of engagements, what on earth are you two waiting for? I expect more grandchildren" Victoria choked slightly on her drink at Mrs Taylor's sudden outburst as Roger stifled a giggle at her reaction; since his mother and Victoria had been introduced, she had been pestering Roger to finally pop the question. She was determined, he would give her that.

"Yes, son, it really is time you settle down, and we couldn't think of a better match than young Victoria" Mr Taylor weighed in, awkwardly patting his sons shoulder. Despite Victoria's blush, he could detect her palpable joy; she didn't have her own family, so she loved being so easily accepted by Roger's.

"Yes, Roger, when are you thinking of popping the question?" Victoria joined in the teasing, gazing up at Roger almost cockily. He sipped his wine, narrowing his eyes slightly at her.

"Careful, or I won't ask you at all" he retorted with a sly whisper. She knew as well as he did that he was ready to propose then and there, that's how much he wanted to marry her. At first, fear of rejection had been the only thing holding him back, but now that Victoria could broach the subject of marriage and children without discomfort - with optimism, even - there was very little stopping Roger from making the proposal. He predicted he would be shopping for a ring in less than six months.

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