Lethal Combination

372 17 44

Song: Lethal Combination by The Wombats

Freddie's PoV
"So, where do you fancy going for breakfast, my dear? My treat, of course" I beamed at Victoria as we waltzed on to the high street, Victoria's walk entirely less energetic than my own.

It was a lovely spring morning, I had my favourite smoothie, and most importantly, I hadn't been woken up early by one of those children things Victoria and Roger have. Why shouldn't I be at my peak?

"It's up to you, Fred" she mumbled, appearing almost distracted as her eyes wandered around the high street, her hood pulled low to hide her face. Part of it, no doubt, was the anxiety of the press catching sight of her, but there was clearly something else on her mind. She had been deathly silent when she had entered the studio with Roger this morning, the tension between them palpable. Even the prospect of going out for breakfast whilst the others recorded some instrumentals and watched over Lola did little to cheer her. "Do you mind if I make a quick stop at the pharmacy?" Victoria sighed tiredly as she spied the familiar green cross of the store. I tried not to let her dire mood dampen my own as I nodded cheerily.

"Of course, dearie" I smiled, already opening the door to the shop for her. She smiled at me hesitantly, the grin failing to meet her eyes as she clambered into the small shop. Her eyes immediately began scanning the aisles.

"Looking for something in particular, dearie?" I questioned, assuming she were shopping for something got Lola. She flushed, pulling her hood lower over her face.

"I guess you could say that" she mumbled, almost inaudibly. "You can't tell anybody that we came in here, Freddie" she added as an afterthought, the seriousness of her tone catching me slightly off guard.

"My lips are sealed darling" I smiled, knowing that I was about to be filled in on some serious drama. "Now, come on, what scandalous thing are we shopping for? Sex toys? Some condoms for you and Roger? Don't tell me dear, you're planning on finally pouncing on our drummer, and want to make sure you're prepared" I cackled excitedly. Those were the only plausible reasons for such secrecy in my mind.

"Close, Fred" she chuckled bitterly. "I'm shopping for Plan B" she mumbled, looking down at her fingernails as she located the necessary aisle. I choked slightly on my smoothie.

"For shame Victoria, you'd have thought your teen pregnancy would have taught you two the importance of using protection!" I teased gently. "Now come on, tell me everything. When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who came on to whom? Was he as good as you remembered?" I pestered, ecstatic that I had found out before Brian or Deaky.

Not that their reactions would be as pleasant as my own.

"It was good" she whispered softly, as she finally found the packet she was looking for, heading towards the cashier. "Both times were good" this time, the words were accompanied by a coy, knowing smile.

"Twice?! Roger, you absolute dog" I taunted as Victoria wordlessly slid the morning after pill over the counter along with a twenty pound note, looking incredibly awkward as the surly, aged cashier shot her a judgemental glare before thrusting a plastic bag towards her.  Victoria glared at her as she slid the pill packet into the blue plastic bag.

"You two should be ashamed of yourselves" the surly woman critiqued, clearly assuming we were some young couple who had forgotten to use protection the night before. After spending my teenage years being ashamed of my sexuality due to people of her ilk, I was more than willing to retort to the snotty cashier.

"Don't look at me, honey, I didn't fuck her. Her boyfriends more to my taste than she is" I winked at the woman, the shocked look on her features causing me to burst into pearls of laughter as Victoria pulled me out of the shop, holding her middle finger up at the cashier in the process.

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