Undisclosed Desires

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Song: undisclosed desires by Muse

Tw: smut

Victoria's PoV
"Victoria Hannah Heaths, is there a reason you're ruining my date night atmosphere?"

I inhale a deep breathe, my fingers anxiously twitching by my side as I slowly turn to face him, my eyes lining with tears. Stood there, bathed in the pale, flickering candlelight, his slender figure illuminated by the log burning in the hearth, he appeared almost an apparition, too perfect and otherworldly to belong to me, to really be here, before me. It took all my reasoning to convince myself he was real, that it wasn't some cruel trick or hallucination, the kind that torture the lone, parched traveler in the desert who thinks he sees an oasis on the horizon, only to die of thirst. Like that destitute pariah seeing the mirage, I feel as though I am looking upon my savior, my last hope of redemption.

My Roger.

He had done all this for me, I realized with a start. He had done all this to prove to me that he was serious about us, about me, about fixing things. About staying for once, truly staying. Staying with me, forever.

All I wanted was to rush into his arms, to leap at him like a creature possessed and cover every inch of his face with kisses. Every inch of his body, even. But my feet felt as though they were glued to the floor. My body trembled, as the tears started to well, and then slowly began to fall. He was at my side then in an instant, his face a mirror of concern. As always, misunderstanding was our primary form of communication.

"Hey, Victoria, what's wrong? I thought this would make you happy?" He frowned, mumbling slightly in his confusion. He looked hurt, but more than that, he looked pained at the thought that he may have hurt me again. I shook my head dramatically.

"You haven't upset me. At least not today. I'm crying because I'm happy and I'm emotional and I love you and this is all I've ever wanted since you've come back - no, scratch that, since I left - some sign that you actually cared and wanted to work things out with me and now I have it and I'm so happy I just want to cry. I love you so much" I sobbed. Roger's smile enlarged with every word I tripped over, clearly finding some joy in my pathetic mumblings. His arm slid effortlessly around my waist, pressing my small body into his side as he comfortingly smoothed down my hair.

"Is now a bad time to mention that I only made this dinner to thank you for looking after Lola last Thursday when I was at the studio?" It took me a moment to figure out that the cocky remark was Roger's poor attempt at a joke. Pushing away my initial sense of dread, I attempted to shrug myself free of the drummers grip; anticipating my next move, as he always did, his bicep tightened around my waist and he pulled me tightly in his chest, laughing softly. I stopped resisting, listening to the erratic beat of his heart as his chin rested atop my head.

"You're a dick" I mumbled sulkily, semi-annoyed at Roger for spoiling the romantic moment. He chuckled softly, the sound of his sexy laughter in my ear causing a small shiver to run down my spine.

"I love you too, Tori" he affirmed.

"Fuck you, Roger" I huffed.

"For many years, if I have anything to say about it" he whispered in a low voice, barely audible through my dark hair. I bit my lip softly, inhaling his musky scent as he slowly stepped his body away. "But first, how about we eat?" He suggested. I nodded weakly, allowing Roger to pull me by the hand into the kitchen, which was set up with the same romantic lighting as the living room, with rose petals scattered across the countertops. Lola waited for us lazily in her high chair, her eyes already half closed. It was past her bedtime; doubtlessly, she had plagued Roger to stay awake a little later and assist in the dinner preparations.

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