Bed of Roses

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Song - Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi
AN: Get your fucking Bibles ready, you have been warned ;)
MayRogers_ xx

Victoria's PoV
"How should we wake mummy up?" I was faintly aware of a familiar voice giggling in the clouds of my mind, the sound distant in my slumber, billowing into my consciousness almost as though it were part of a dream. I stirred slightly, my eyes so heavy with sleep they refused to open. "I think we should scream and scare her" The voice continued, before a response could be obtained.


"How about we wake her up nicely?" A second voice responded sternly, carefully instucting the first voice not to start screaming.

Roger? It couldn't be. He was in London.

I writhed slightly in the bed, my body unwilling to wake up, despite acknowledging sounds in the bedroom around me. I was tired, so tired. This was the first full night of restless sleep I had managed since London.

It can't be Roger, Victoria. You must be dreaming. This is part of a dream.

"Nope, I still think we should scream" Lola responded mischievously, the voice too famililar to belong to anyone but my daughter. Accepting that the hyperactive child would soon force me awake, I finally forced my sore eyes open, blinking softly as my irises struggled to adjust to the natural brightness of the room, the sun streaming softly through the blinds. Lola's face was just inches away from my own, her green eyes vibrant and awake as she giggled softly. A hand was wrapped around her mouth to prevent the threatened scream from escaping.

I followed the hand and the muscled arm to see that Roger's rough voice was indeed the second voice I had detected in the room. He was seated on the edge of the bed, one arm wrapped around Lola to prevent her from jumping on me, the other one covering Lola's mouth to stop her screaming at me. Once he saw I was awake, his second hand relaxed, slowly moving from Lola's face to cup my cheek softly, one of his fingers stroking my cheek as his bright eyes met my own.

Sat there, basking in the morning sun, which seemed to be reflecting from him at just the right angle, Roger Taylor looked heavenly. Clad in black jeans, a plain white t-shirt and his worn leather jacket, his blonde locks falling in tousled, messy waves, just the sight of his easy, carefree, loving smile was enough to cause my heart to beat a little faster in my chest. Thfeeling of his finger gently, lovingly, stroking my cheek, sent small pulses of electrictity throughout my body. His presence, here, beside me, was enough to convince me that this is where he belonged, where he was meant to be.

"Good morning, beautiful" he whispered, his eyes never leaving my own, as though he were as desperate to drink in my appearance as I was his. His smile melted my heart like butter. I wanted nothing more than to stay in this perfect moment forever.

I wanted this to be how I was woken up every day, surrounded by Roger and my daughter. Surrounded by my family.

"DADDY IS HERE TO TAKE ME TO THE BEACH" Lola squealed excitedly in my ear, not seeming to appreciate the many times I had told her the importance of being quiet in a morning. For once though, it didn't bother me in the slightest; the look of pure excitement on my daughters aneglic features at the thought of spending more time with her father was the cutest look I had ever seen.

"Really?" I questioned, mirroring Lola's excitement, as I clutched the small child close to me. Roger watched us both, a beaming smile coating his features.

"YES AND HE SAID YOU CAN COME TOO" Lola squealed, her words causing Roger to let out a small chuckle at how she made it sound like such a privillege for me to be invited.

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