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Song - Part II by Paramore

An: Thank you guys all for reading this far and your lovely comments. Whilst I chose this song for the title because the lyrics inspired the writing, it also felt like an apt title as we approach what I consider to be the second act of this book. Whilst the first 'act' was concerned with Tori and Roger meeting up for the first time in three years and trying to figure out their feelings for each other, this second 'act' will have some more dramatic focus points. Lotta love,

Roger's pov
The howling rain beat against the windscreen in thick sheets, coating the darkened road ahead in slippery masses of water. Every turn of the winding roads saw the car veering dangerously to one side, yet I refused to let the speedometer needle fall below 100mph. The windshield wipers were at the highest setting, yet they did little to aid my vision as I sped across the country, in a race against the paparazzi. I could sense Brian baulking in the passenger seat, flinching slightly every time I took a corner too fast and the car skidded in the dangerous weather conditions, but my adrenaline made it hard to care. All I could care about, all I could focus on was getting to them.

I couldn't relax until I knew they were safe. I knew that out there somewhere, Victoria would be driving just as perilously as myself, in a similar race against time. I couldn't relax until we were all in the same vehicle.

It wasn't until I turned the car into the familiar service station in Birmingham and saw her fragile silhouette illuminated against the hood of her beat up car that I could finally let out a breathe of air I hadn't been aware I was holding in. I went into autopilot as I haphazardly parked the car across two parking spaces, turned off the sputtering engine and clambered out of the vehicle, bounding over to Victoria as fast as my exhausted legs would carry me. It wasn't until she was in my arms, physically in my arms, her chest pressed against my own, that I finally felt the tension and the fear leave my body.

We were safe. It was all going to be okay.

She seemed just as relieved to see me. She too had started running towards me the moment I stepped out of the car, almost as though we were two actors starring in a desperate romance movie, the two star-crossed lovers reunited at last. She threw herself into my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist as I spun her around, giggling almost breathlessly because she was here, because she was safe, because we were young and in love and finally able to admit it.

The way she looked right now, her perfectly pale face completely makeup free, her freckles dotting her blushing smile, her baby blues glowing in the moonlight, her deep brown hair cascading down her back, clad in a simple pair of leggings and my oversized hoodie with a black gilet thrown over the top, was heavenly to gaze upon. Even her scent, after mere hours apart, was enough to drive me crazy. Her mouth met my own, the sweet taste of her tangy lips drowning out the world around me. I felt her tongue graze my lips, almost teasingly. I granted her entrance to my mouth, pushing her against the side of her car as the kiss deepened, just to keep balance. My whole world was spinning.

Eventually, she pulled away, a shy smile on her features. I wanted to stare at her for an eternity. I would have stared at her for an eternity, if it weren't for the sound of my passenger door slamming shut and the awkward sound of a throat being cleared. Victoria detected the movement too, her wild eyes whipping in the direction of my car. Her pupils narrowed slightly at the sight of him.

She wasn't happy, that much I could tell. But I was done cutting him out of my life, especially when he was only trying to help me. She would have to get used to his presence.

"See, drummer, I told you that we'd get to them in time" Brian chuckled awkwardly, in an attempt to break the silence. I gently put Victoria down, turning to face the guitarist as she busied herself waking our sleeping daughter and gently coaxing her out of the car, all the while shooting me a glance that seemed to scream "what the fuck is he doing here?". Brian stood on the periphery of the group, his hands tucked into his jacket pocket as he anxiously shuffled his feet.

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