Chapter 1

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Y/n was the oldest sibling in her family at the age 27. Then came Alyssa who was 17, Dylan who was 15, and Miranda who was 12. Y/n loved her siblings to death and practically raised them when their mother passed in childbirth. Y/n's relationship with her father became broken when she was young. He was never around, always working in his office, not doing his job as a parent. She only ever saw him at family morning breakfast and at most dinners.

On one sunny morning, the family was having their daily family breakfast. Of course, they couldn't have a peaceful morning in this household when their father decided to speak.

"I have something important to say." Their father announced it randomly and everyone stopped eating. Y/n and her siblings exchanged glances as they turned their attention back to their father.

"Everyone needs to pack their bags for a trip we leave tomorrow." Their father was being vague and that wasn't anything new. Y/n waited a moment to see if her father would give more details, but he didn't.

"Where are we going?" She asked with a short sigh.

"We are taking a week-long vacation to meet your husband and his family." Dylan almost choked on his food while Miranda dropped her silverware on the floor. Alyssa looked up from her book to see her sister's reaction.

"My husband?" Y/n yelled.

"Yes, your future husband." Y/n's face began to burn with anger, but she knew a fight in the dining room wouldn't be "lady-like". She quickly stood up and walked out of the room. Her siblings quickly followed in protest and left the table, leaving their father alone.

Y/n went straight to her room and laid back down in her bed. This was not the morning she wanted to be having. A few hours later a maid informed her that her father requested she come to his office immediately. With a groan, she got up and walked into that dreaded room. Her father sat at his desk waiting for her to sit down. Once she did so he began his lecture.

"Your outburst this morning was disrespectful, y/n." He scolded her, standing up from his desk and walking closer to her.

"It's also disrespectful to not tell me that you have an arranged marriage for me. I haven't even consented to it." She snapped back.

"You are the first child of this family, from a young age you knew this would happen."

"Yes, but I would like you to speak to me about this matter in private instead of announcing it to me the day before we leave to meet him. I found out about the arranged marriage at the same time as Alyssa. I knew this day would come and I would have to sit her down and explain it to her privately, not at the same time that I found out." Y/n argued. She wanted some control over her life but her power was being stripped away.

"What is done is done, now get ready to leave." He said as he tried to shoo her out of his office.

"No, I want to be caught up on what this is. I want all the information you have right now." She stood up, trying to make a point.

"That is the point of this trip, to discuss the arrangement. It hasn't been finalized and I wanted you to meet him before the wedding."

"Stop deflecting. Who am I marrying?"

"Charlotte Linlin's second son, Charlotte Katakuri." Y/n felt her legs go weak and gripped a chair for support.

"Oh god." She knew of the Charlotte family, everyone did. Big mom was one of the four emperors of the sea and captain of the Big Mom Pirates. Her second son Katakuri was a ruthless pirate that had a bounty of 1.057 billion berries. Y/n could feel herself getting sick thinking about it.

"Y/n think of the family. Quit being selfish and see the benefit." Her father sneered, believing she was being dramatic. She grit her teeth and composed herself before facing her father.

"You are a coward! You're the selfish one here. There is no benefit, you are selling me off to save yourself!" She screamed before storming out of the office and to her room.

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