Chapter 7

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Y/n was exploring Big Mom's castle, she couldn't find any of her family in their respective rooms so she decided to go solo. The wedding was a week away and y/n thought she should familiar herself with Whole Cake Island and that started with Big Mom's castle. During her adventure she came across an open door. Inside was a small group of chef's cleaning the kitchen in the room.

"Excuse me?" Y/n asked at the door and all the chef's looked at her.

"Yes Ma'am." One of the chef's answered her.

"What is this place? Is this the main kitchen."

"Heaven's no, this is one of the secondary kitchens." The main kitchen was much larger than this kitchen. The main kitchen was run by Streusen the Gourmet Knight and he was in charge of making all of the food for Big Mom. These kitchens were more of the servants and Big Mom's children.

"Am I able to use it for myself?"

"We are more than happy to make you something if you're hungry."

"No, I'll be alright. I actually feel like making something for somebody. Do you mind showing me the pantry?"

The chefs in the kitchen were surprised at y/n's request. They showed her the large stock of ingredients in their kitchen. She was amazing with the amount of food they had, but it was necessary to feed the Charlotte Family. The chefs soon left y/n alone to have some privacy. She was grateful for their kind gesture and began working.

As she prepared her space, she thought about what to make. It needed to be sweet, but something she knew the recipe to. Then the idea popped into her head. It was the perfect dish to make, Katakuri would love it. She gathered the ingredients and started baking.

As she worked many people passed by the kitchen, most of them were Charlotte children. They all peered in to see their older brother finace making something before continuing on their way. However, one Charlotte saw y/n and entered the kitchen.

"Oh hello." Y/n greeted as a purple haired man walked up to her.

"You're y/n right?"

"Yes, that's me." She answered with a smile.

"The name's Cracker Charlotte." He smiled and reached his hand out for her to shake.

"Don't take offense to this Cracker but my hands are covered in dough."

"Right, sorry to bother you but I thought I'd introduce myself since I had the chance. I'm glad I got to meet you before the wedding."

"Oh it's no trouble at all. I really appreciate it."

"Well I'm off. I'll see you at your wedding y/n." Her mouth was wide open as she stared at the door. As quick as he came in, he was gone.

An hour passed and y/n was adding the final touches on her creation. Little did she know Cracker had run into his brother. From their interaction Katakuri found that Cracker met his fiancé and she was hiding. He had been looking for her but no luck until now.

"Y/n what are you doing?" A deep voice asked, startling the poor girl. A yelp escaped her before her soul left her body. She turned around and saw her fiancé standing in the door frame.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked in surprise, she wasn't expecting to see him. She thought this literally kitchen in the wall would be a perfect hiding spot for her.

"You sound disappointed to see me, I was looking for you." He said with a sadden voice.

"Well I'm not, but you ruined my surprise." His eyes widened a little in shock.

"A surprise? For me?" He questioned.

"Yes you! Sit down." There was a small table in the corner of the room which y/n forced Katakuri to sit in. He could barely fit in the chair but granted the wish of his fiancé.

"Close your eyes."

"No." He answered quickly.

"Katakuri! Just do it."

He let out a groan before doing as he was told. A plate was placed out in front of him

"Okay open your eyes." Y/n said sweetly. His red eyes snapped open and he saw the plate in front of him.

"Ta Da!" She exclaimed in excitement. Katakuri looked from the plate to her.

"You made me doughnuts?"

"Yes! I asked Pudding what I would make of you if I ever got the chance and she said doughnuts. Good thing I know how to make it." His eyes widened as he realized that this was a genuine gesture from his fiancé.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, baking calms me down. After last night I needed it. I'll go clean the kitchen up, feel free to enjoy."

Once y/n turned her back Katakuri quickly devoured the sweets on the table. After swallowing he realized that he didn't even check the food for poison. He questioned whether y/n would dare pull a stunt like that. He silently watched as y/n cleaned all of her messes in the kitchen.

"Y/n there's no need to clean that up yourselves, the cooks are more than capable of doing it."

"Oh it's no trouble at all. I dirtied the place, the least I could do is return it to the way it was."

"I guess." He shrugged his shoulders.

After a moment of just staring at her clean he stood up and came to her side. He picked up a towel and began drying the wet clean dishes. Y/n smiled to herself noting his willingness to help her. To her the more moments she got with, the more she was feeling confident their bond was growing.

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