Chapter 6

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The sun rose on Whole Cake Island, signifying another day. Y/n woke up to a quiet knock on her bedroom door. She got up and answered it, on the other side was a man with a letter in his hand. She took it from him before he bowed and walked away. The contents of the letter informed her that there was to be a Tea Party between the l/n family and Big Mom. It was today and her attendance was required to be there.

"Oh great!" She groaned. A get together with her future mother-in-law and father was not going to be fun. Quickly she found a nice tea party appropriate outfit to wear and threw it on. In her mind she needed to be a model fiancé, daughter, and daughter-in-law but the stress of it all was getting to her.

As she finished getting a knock at the door interrupted her. When she opened it Katakuri was on the other side. He was here to escort her to his mom's party. She stared at him for a second before closing the door in his face.

"Y/n?" He asked the door dumbfounded. He heard a few loud noises from the bedroom and a loud 'ow' before she reopened the door.

"I'm ready, let's go." She said quickly and he didn't question it.

Y/n was taken to a large dining hall with a fancy table in the middle. Big mom was at the head of the table and many of the older Charlotte siblings were there as well. After surveying the table, y/n noticed none of her siblings were here. The only other person sitting at the table from the l/n family was her dear father. He was on Big Mom's left side, laughing with her, most likely doing his best to stay in her favor.

Y/n came to the empty chair on Linlin's right side and Katakuri pulled the chair out from under the table. Y/n thanked him for his kind gesture and he took the empty seat next to his fiancé. Once they were settled, Big Mom commissioned the party to begin.

"We've already started on the wedding decorations, the guest list, and the cake- oh, it will be perfect." Linlin told the table, starting up a conversation. Then she began to speak of all the flavors the cake would behold in great detail.

"Mama is really big about her cakes." Kataturi leaned over and whispered in her ear. She laughed and nodded. Spending time with her fiancé didn't feel like a chore anymore, enjoying each other's company they started almost acting like a couple.

"This wedding is going to be fantastic and it will be perfect! And once the marriage is finalized I'm excited to add the island to my territories." Y/n raised an eyebrow at the mention of her island. From what she understood her family was going to keep the island and continue to live there while Linlin got the gold from the trees. However this new information was proving her wrong.

"The island? As in our island?" Y/n questioned out loud, she turned towards her father. Before he came up with an excuse, Big Mom spoke for him.

"Well it's not your island anymore. It was a part of the deal, I own the entire and add it to my territories." Big Mom explained. Y/n let that sink in for a moment. Her father lied to her once again and her mind started racing. What was to happen to her siblings? They were out of the only home they'd known. Her confusion quickly turned to anger and she stood up from her seat.

"That's ridiculous! When were you going to tell me this? You sold the island! What about our home?" She yelled at her father. The rest of the table quickly went silent after hearing y/n scream.

"Silence! You're embarrassing yourself in front of your in-laws. If you would have let me finish you would have learned we plan to live on the island. It's just under the protection of the Charlotte family. Use your brain y/n! Stop acting like a child, it's not attractive." Her father scolded her. And with that all of her confidence disappeared.

Y/n stood there for a moment before slowly sitting down. Her face was red, she was angry and the judgment from everyone was killing her. Katakuri was surprised by her outburst, never had he seen her this angry before. He placed a hand on her thigh, she looked up at him. Their eyes locked and he silently told her to relax. She averted her eyes back to the table.

"I apologize for my temper, I was simply concerned for the well being of my family and my island." She bowed her head as she spoke to everyone at the table. Big Mom let out a loud chuckle, clearly she found this more amusing than disrespectfully.

"It's quite alright dearly, misunderstandings happen. Being worried about your family makes you a strong person and an even stronger wife." She said before stuffing her face with more sweets. Y/n didn't know if she should take that as a complement or not.

Conversations between the guest starred up once again and the attention fell off of y/n. Her father, however, was glaring daggers at her. But he was too busy looking at her to notice Katakuri staring at him. Those red eyes were full of hate as he processed y/n's father's behavior.

"I have to admit your mother throws nice tea parties." A soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Y/n was looking up at him with a soft smile. She knew her father was silently scolding her, but all she could do was ignore it.

Katakuri agreed as a hidden smile appeared on his face.

That evening, after the tea party ended y/n practically ran to her bedroom. She knew her father's wrath was about to come down on her. She pushed the door open and smashed it shut behind her. She gasped when she realized her father was already inside. He stood there in front of her, eyebrows folded, he stomped closer to her.

"Father! I'm-" Y/n began to apologize before her father slapped her across the face.

"You are a disgraceful fucking bitch, how dare you do this to me? You're lucky you didn't ruin this deal with Big Mom or so God help me I would have dragged you back to Gold Island. You would've wished you were never born if that would have happened. Do not screw this up for me!" He spat before shoving her to the ground and storming out of her room.

Hot tears slid down her face as she got off of the floor. Sadly she was used to this, blushing it off like it was no big deal was easy for her. The tears wouldn't stop as she started to compose herself.

Unexpectedly the door opened with a thud as Katakuri walked through the door. He was looking for her. After the tea party she had quickly disappeared.

"Y/n... you're hurt."

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about this." Y/n said, trying to get Katakuri away from her. She wanted to be alone.

"Y/n even if that were true, you're crying. Did he do something?" Katakuri asked, referring to her father. However, he already knew the answer to that question.

"No." She snapped at him. Y/n thought about how pathetic she must look right now.

"Don't get mad at me. I'm trying to help you." Katakuri said in a soft tone. The last thing he needed was to get angry with her. He knew she would relax if he stayed calm.

"I can't help it, I am just so angry! God, I hate him! I know nothing about the details of our engagement. I feel like cattle! I-"

"Stop, take a deep breath. Listen, you have a week or so to deal with him then you'll never have to see him again. If I can help it, he'll never speak a word to you. I'll never have to see him again or I'll smash his head in." Katakuri said. His composure started to slip when he mentioned wanting to bash her father's head in. That part didn't go unnoticed by y/n, who's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry I got a little out of hand. For the rest of his time here, he will not be alone with you. I promise." He apologized and held his hand out to her. She looked at it before giving him her hand. He brought her hand closer to his face, maneuvering it through his scarf, and brought her hand up to his lips. She felt his soft lips lightly brush her skin before kissing her hand.

"Thank you." She blushed. Never had a small gesture like that had such a huge impact on her. Instantly she felt better with Katakuri.

"You're welcome."

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