Chapter 8

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It was late that night and y/n couldn't sleep, she knew something was wrong. She still couldn't find her sister even after hanging out with Katakuri, almost as if she had disappeared. She also hadn't seen her father since the tea party which was a few days ago. A knock on the door made her rise from her bed and answer it.

"I need to speak with you, in private." It was Katakuri.

"Oh, hello Katakuri. Here, come in." Y/n opened the door wider for him, but he just stared at her.

"You're welcome to come in, you know?" She told him once he didn't move from the doorframe.

"I shouldn't." He was thinking about the ethics, they weren't married. He completely forgot the fact that he was in here a few days ago comforting her. "It's highly inappropriate for us- Hey!" Katakuri couldn't continue his lecture as y/n pulled him in the room and shut the door behind him. The lock clicked, ensuring their privacy.

"Talk, what's wrong? Don't sugarcoat it."

"Your father left the island this morning with your siblings." Now y/n was hoping he had said it in a nicer way. That was way too much information for her to take in at once.


"He left you this letter." He handed her an envelope that was already opened.

Dear y/n,

If you're reading this letter, I am already gone. Don't worry your siblings are safe, however, we will not be attending your wedding. You are most likely confused about what is happening, so I gave you this letter to help you. Run. Do so now or else you will die. Your marriage is going to fall through and they will kill you. This is the first you're hearing about this but our island is dying and it's threatening my way of life. In your marriage contract I gave Linlin ownership of the island in exchange for riches, but I'd yet to mention the loop hole in that. The island trees are dying, it's only a matter of time before they lose all product of the family gold. Linlin doesn't know about the state of the island, but once she does her anger will be monstrous. I will be moving to a new island far away and you will no longer hear from us.

Tears rolled down her face as she read the letter. She knew this wedding arrangement was rushed, but the motive was obvious. There was no way her siblings were involved in this, they loved her and were probably protesting their father's actions somehow. And what about herself? Once Linlin knew about the island, she would kill her. She looked at Katakuri who was still standing next to her. Was he here to put her out of her misery? No, if he was mad he would have done it already.

"You read it already didn't you?" She asked, wiping away her tears. She was trying to compose herself and failing.

"I did." he stared down at her. He knew by her reaction that she had no part in this plan. She was right, her father was a coward.

"He really left me to the wolves here. Once your mother finds out he double crossed her, she'll kill me. Oh god."

"Don't worry, she's not going to hurt you."

"Katakuri, my father stole from her. I will be the one to take the punishment."

"Not if I can help it." He confessed.

"What do you mean?"

"I will fight for you. Mama will understand this is not your fault."

"But why defend me, Katakuri? I am the woman you are being forced to marry, just let me endure this myself."

"Y/n you don't deserve this. The times I've spent with you have made me feel different, I can't explain it. But I don't plan on letting you go." Y/n's brain couldn't grasp what was going on. Her father left her to die and now Katakuri just confessed to her.

"Do you need a hug?" He asked, he was unsure if this would do anything but he wanted to help y/n.

"Please." His arms wrapped around her smaller form. Soon her sobbing died down as she fell asleep in his arms.

"The sad thing is, I'm not surprised he threw me under the bus."

"I'm sorry. I will fix this."

"Thank you."

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