Chapter 13

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Moving to Komugi Island was nothing special, it was quite awkward to say the least. Katakuri hadn't spoken a word to y/n since the wedding reception. She thought that he would come around once they got back to the island, but no.

Y/n was given a room that was all hers, and it was right next to Katakuri's. 'So much for being a married couple' was y/n's initial thought but as time went on she realized that Katakuri was most likely nervous about her moving in. She was confused about why she was angry with him. Did she want to sleep in the same room as him? Yes but no. She hated how complicated her feelings were.

He had already kissed her so why get cold feet now? Was he toying with her emotions? No, he was too shy with her to do that.

Y/n laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. She was bored, it had been two days since the reception and she just sat in her room. Too nervous to explore her new home but she didn't want to sit around and do nothing.

Her ears caught the sound of a large door closing, it was the front door to Katakuri's mansion. She jumped up out of bed and went to go find him. She figured she could get an answer out of him on why he was avoiding her.

"Katakuri." She asked, poking her head in his office.

"Yes?" He asked looking up from his paperwork.

"Do you have a moment?" She asked.

"I do, please come in." She smiled and quickly made her way into the room. She took a seat on the couch in front of his desk before crossing her legs.

"Katakuri, what are you hiding?" Katakuri raised an eyebrow at her broad accusation and sudden attitude change. Was she talking about my face? He wondered but didn't jump to that conclusion and let her continue.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Will you stop lying to me?"

"I'm not lying to you-"

"Bullshit." She hissed quietly but Katakuri heard it. He heard it plain as day and he felt bad. He sorely underestimated his wife's intuition. She was sharp and could read him like a book. He questioned how she was able to do so. Oh well there was nothing he could do now but tell her the truth. He let out a sigh before speaking.

"I have some work I need to finish for the day but I will sit with you when I get back. We can talk then"

"Okay." Y/n was satisfied with that answer.

As Katakuri had promised, he finished his work and now it was y/n's time. They sat next to each other in the dining room ready to listen to one another.

"Please tell me what is troubling you, I know something is wrong. We made a promise to each other we would be honest in this marriage. So why won't you look at me? Spend time with me? And why am I in a separate room?" Y/n asked. She knew she was being demanding and needy but at least she was conveying her feelings.

"I was giving you time to adjust, but I see that's not what you want. I'm also sorry about not showing you around the island and spending time with you. I had to keep up on all the days of flour production I missed because of the wedding preparations." He explained and guilt washed over y/n.

"Now I feel bad, I didn't mean it like that. Shit. I just felt alone and-."

"Do be sorry it was all my fault. As for the bed situation, I spoke to my mother before the wedding and she told me something I didn't want to talk with her about."

"And what was it?"

"She expected us to consummate the marriage immediately." Suddenly y/n's throat was dry and her snarky replies were gone. Silence settled in-between the couple and they didn't know what to say to each other.

"That is super cool and what did you tell her?" Y/n said sarcastically trying to break the tension.

"I said we would." Katakuri said, his eyes shifted to the ground. He was embarrassed nor did he want to have this conversation with her.

"Interesting." There was a pause before she continued. "Obviously we haven't... you know." Y/n said, not wanting to say the words.

"I wasn't going to tell-" Katakuri tried to explain but his wife cut him off.

"YOU'RE LYING TO YOUR MOTHER?" Y/n screamed before he could finish what he was saying. This mother loving son was going to lie to one of the Warlords of the Sea about his marriage. It was almost laughable.

"I am." He said calmly looking at his wife.

"I take it back, I do love you Katakuri. You're great." Katakuri turned red and looked away from y/n. "I need to calm down. I never thought you, the mama's boy would actually take my side."

"Of course I would, you're my wife." Katakuri stated and y/n smiled.

And that's the moment y/n knew she was married to a good man who'd protect her.

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