Chapter 14

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It had been three months since the wedding between y/n and Katakuri. Life was good between them. Communication was the key to success in their strong relationship. Katakuri would always listen to y/n talk and talk while staring at her with interested eyes. They were happy.

She took the title Mistress of Flour because of her contribution to the Charlotte Family's business. Y/n loved taking on this job and the responsibility.

She was sitting at her desk doing some paperwork when the transponder snail interrupted her work.

Purpurpur purpurpur pur- click

"Hello?" Y/n answered leaning back in her chair. She was used to getting calls from Pudding or other Charlotte siblings. Little did she know this call would be different.

"Y/n." The voice addressed her back. Y/n immediately straightened up hearing her mother-in-law on the other line.

"Hi mama." Y/n greeted respectfully. Y/n hadn't seen Big Mom since the wedding so her calling y/n personally was a surprise to her and she was a little scared.

"Thank goodness you answered. Where is Katakuri?"

"Well he's at snack right now." The brief silence between the ladies told y/n that her answer wasn't the one Big Mom wanted to hear.

"Tell him I need him to cut it short. I have an urgent matter I need him to attend to and it cannot wait."

"I understand I'll go get him for you."

"Good. Now hurry-" click. Y/n stumbled out of her chair and ran out of her office. Servants were giving her a concerned look as she dashed down the hall towards Katakuri's "snack shrine" as she liked to call it.

She ran inside the shrine's kitchen with the bakers looking stunned.

"Miss y/n what are you doing? You can't go in there!" One of the bakers yelled at her.

"Big Mom needs Katakuri, I was told to get him." She yelled back before she reached the door. The fear of Big Mom pushing her to keep going to find her husband.

She opened the door and ran in the room. In the middle of the room lay Katakuri eating doughnuts. His head snapped over to the sound of y/n running towards him.

"Katakuri I-" She stopped when she laid eyes on him. Katakuri also flinched when the doors opened and stared at y/n. No scarf. There was no scarf covering his face and y/n knew she royally messed up.

Her husband's biggest secret had been revealed to her and she didn't know what to do now. She knew he was probably furious with her. Y/n could see her husband's face for the first time.

Katakuri was shocked to see y/n, thinking she didn't know how to get to this part of the island. He tried so hard to keep this secret from everyone. Now the one person he truly cared about who wasn't family saw him without his scarf. Katakuri watched y/n stand there unmoving, which was better than her screaming and running away. However, he was scared, y/n probably thought he was a monster and she was paralyzed by her own fear.

They continued to stare at each other, both questioning what to do next.

Katakuri was confused why y/n wasn't reacting and y/n was questioning how to react without Katakuri getting angry.

This was when she realized she was being rude and staring while being trapped in her thoughts. She moved her eyes to the floor before laughing nervously.

"I'm sorry, it's your snack time but your mother wants you to see her immediately over an issue." She finished talking but no one moved. Y/n wanted to joke and say 'don't kill the messenger' but deemed that inappropriate right now.

"Well I delivered the message. I'll leave you be, don't mind me." She said before turning around and walking towards the door. Katakuri didn't want to react harshly to y/n and scare her but she was leaving, knowing his secret. He couldn't let her go. Katakuri's eyes sharpened before he lunged towards her. He stopped just before her figure, now standing behind her. He pulled her a little harshly into his arms, her back was against his chest. She was a little startled being like a bird trapped in a cat's claws. Y/n put her hands on his arms to try to loosen his grip but it was no use.

"Katakuri?" She asked after staying in his arms for a moment.

"Do you think I'm a monster?" He asked very quietly. Y/n shivered at his voice vibrating against her ear.

"What? Why would I think that?" Her grip tightened on his arms.

"Everyone does, I'm a freak." That word, freak, made y/n stiffen. She turned around to face him, struggling a little in doing so. Katakuri loosen his grip on her before he was looking down at y/n waiting for her response. Looking at him she could see his features more clearly.

Y/n had her own theories about what his face had looked like but she liked what she was seeing now.

His tan cheeks had scars on both sides of his face, leading down to the corner of his mouth. His mouth was normal size by people's standards except he had sharp teeth. A few stuck out of his mouth but y/n didn't find it disgusting. Instead she actually found it cute.

She brought her hands up to his cheeks and cupped them in her palms. He flinched back a little before leaning into her warm hands. He should have known y/n wouldn't have the reaction he feared, knowing she saw him differently. Y/n rubbed her thumb up and down his cheeks, in a comforting way.

"No, I don't think you're a freak or a monster. Why would I think that? I'm not going to scream in fear, I am your wife." Y/n told him but Katakuri shook his head.

"So you don't hate me? I am a disgraced creature." He said in such a somber tone it broke y/n's heart.

If he wouldn't believe her with words, she would have to show him. She leaned in and placed her lips on his. Katakuri's eyes went wide in surprise. Katakuri didn't know how to react for a moment but y/n was hoping he would return the gesture. He couldn't keep her waiting anymore as his grip around her tightened before he kissed back.

When the kiss broke y/n swore she could see slight tears in his eyes.

"I like you just the way you are." She said quietly.

"You're too good for me." He said before y/n went to kiss him again. Needless to say, Katakuri didn't care about getting to his mother anytime soon. He was happy knowly his wife loved him. She loved everything about him, flaws and all. He loved her too and would continue to prove himself to her that he was worth her love.

The end for now

Thank you for reading this story. <3 I love every vote and comment I get.I plan to make a sequel that covers y/n and Katakuri's relationship during the Whole Cake Island Arc but that will definitely come summer 2023. Again thank you for everything.

edit: The sequel is out now! 

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