Chapter 4

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The next morning y/n woke up, but the nightmare was still going. She was currently staying in one of the many guest rooms in Big Mom's castle. It had been four days since the l/n family had arrived on the island. She'd had a few more brief meetings with Katakuri but he was a busy man and couldn't stay with her for long. However today was different, Katakuri had a clear schedule to make time for y/n. Whether this was his mother's or his doing the thought of them getting to know each other was heartwarming.

Katakuri and y/n were walking in one of Big Mom's gardens. There was a comfortable silence between the couple until Katakuri spoke.

"They planned our wedding date." He informed his finance. Y/n stopped in her tracks.

"You're joking." Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose. Of course she wouldn't have a say on her wedding, not if her father could help it.

"I'm not. Mama said we'll be married in two weeks. It gives time to plan and prepare, Mama loves throwing huge celebrations for her children's weddings."

"And what happens after we marry?"

"You'll come live with me on Komugi Island as my wife." Y/n let out a long audible sigh that couldn't go ignored by Katakuri.

"Is there an issue with that?"

"No, It's just hitting me that this marriage is actually happening. I honestly don't want to be in a loveless marriage. I never wanted to get married in the first place I wanted to be a free spirit for a few years before even thinking about this stuff."

"I gave up on love a long time ago, I knew mama would use me in a marriage for political gain. Why fall in love?"

"I understand that." Y/n agreed. Katakuri continued their walk and lead y/n to a small gazebo hidden in the garden. Inside the gazebo was a table with two chairs, one for y/n and Katakuri. There was tea, coffee, and a whole table of sweets. The couple sat down to begin their tea party.

An hour had passed with some small talk between the pair. Getting to know each other was becoming easier, at least that's what y/n thought. She noticed Katakuri wasn't eating anything once again. There were enough sweets on the table to feed a small army, y/n knew she couldn't eat it all herself.

"I feel bad whenever we meet, you never eat anything and here I am indulging myself." She said, changing the topic.

"I told you yesterday, I eat alone." His tone went cold which didn't go unnoticed by y/n. The more defensive he got the more she wanted to know his secrets.

"I still feel bad though. Tell you what, I won't look and you can take one."

"I don't trust you."

"Rude. I promise I won't, if you want to keep whatever it is secret then be my guess." Katakuri was eyeing those donuts on the table, her offer was tempting.

"Fine." He said, giving in. Y/n smiled and turned her chair around then covered her eyes. She intended on keeping her word. If this was the first step in building their relationship then it had to be done.

"Once you're satisfied and finished I'll turn around." Y/n said as she took her chair from the table and pointed it away from Katakuri. She sat back down in the chair, her back facing him.

Katakuri pulled down his scarf slowly, he listened for a reaction from y/n if she somehow was watching him. But there was no gasp of surprise or scream of fear and he was surprised she kept her promise. He quickly snatched the plate of donuts on the table and ate every single one. Once he finished, he composed himself and fixed his scarf back over his mouth he called y/n.

"Y/n. I'm done, thank you." She turned her chair back around. She gave him a smile before looking to see what he took from the spread of sweets.

"You ate all the donuts!" Y/n yelled at him. She wanted another one of those donuts, they were so good and now they were all gone. Katakuri let out a low rumble that y/n realized was a laugh and she stared at him in disbelief.

Maybe a connection was starting to form.

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