Chapter 9

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Katakuri wasn't afraid of anything, but he knew he should be scared of his mother. She was one of the most cut throat pirates of the old generation, hell she was an Emperor of the Sea. Katakuri thought what to say to her, depending on how he went about it she was either going to be very angry or slightly angry. He also wondered why he was doing all this, reporting to his mother was a hassle enough so why was he willingly doing this? Y/n was the reason. Going over the time they spent together he liked y/n, she wasn't annoying or rude. She was sweet. If he was being forced to be married, he would have taken y/n over any girls his mother had chosen. Y/n meant something to him whether he wanted to admit it or not and she was innocent in the situation with her father. Katakuri knew his mother would kill her despite knowing what he knew and he couldn't let that happen.

"Mama I need to speak to you." Katakuri seemed to be one of the few people in the world who could actually come to Charlotte Linlin and ask to speak with her. Even some of Big Mom's other children couldn't come to her like this, Katakuri was just the favorite son.

"What is it, Katakuri?" She asked in a dismissive tone.

"I found this letter from y/n's father. I believe he abandoned her, and is on the run." Big Mom snatched the letter from his hands and read it herself. After learning of the letters contents she balled up the piece of paper in anger.

"What! How dare that bastard do this! Bring y/n to me!" She yelled and the throne room shook from her order.

"No mama." He said in a calm yet stern voice. Bad move on his part as Big Mom's gaze moved to him.

"What? You dare defy me, Katakuri?" She yelled.

"No mama. Y/n is my fiancé and she didn't do this. I do not wish any harm to her because of her father's insignificance. If I can bring her father to pay for his crimes within two days, will you forgive her?" Katakuri hoped his mom would be satisfied with this. His mom didn't answer right away, she silently stared at her son. She had questions about why he cared so much about y/n. She wondered if her son had developed sympathy or affection for the young girl. She didn't think it would be possible, Katakuri had never had any feelings like this towards someone.

Then a light bulb went off in her head. Katakuri actually liked his fiance... that meant if the wedding were still to go on she would have endless amounts of edible gold and a possible grandchild in the future. Never mind y/n's father, he could be punished accordingly. She decided to accept Katakuri's offer knowing it would benefit her in the end.

"Fine two days. Bring me her father alive and her sins will be forgiven."

"Thank you Mama."

Katakuri was probably gone for twenty minutes but to y/n it felt like forever. She was sitting at a desk chair holding her face in her hands. The tears hadn't stopped and her anxiety of what Big Mom would do to her had set in. Her heart jumped out of her chest when the door to her room opened.

"Katakuri." She sighed in relief when he walked through the door.

"Y/n." He came to her and hugged her smaller form. "I'm sorry it took so long but mama and I came to an agreement. I'm sorry but I must leave you for two days."

"Wait where are you going?"

"I have to go to your home to bring your father back to my mother." Katakuri didn't want to tell y/n all the details but she caught on.

"So you're going after my father. My siblings, I need you to protect them. Bring them back here unharmed if possible or make them stay on the island. Please, keep them safe, they are all I have left." Katakuri was basically attacking her home in order to drag her father back to Big Mom. Her siblings would understand why this would happen but y/n only wished for them to be safe.

"I will. Stay in here as much as possible and avoid my mother at all cost." He warned before taking his leave. 

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