Chapter 12

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Today was the big day. Whole Cake Island was booming with excitement for the wedding of Katakuri and y/n. The Charlotte Family was running around setting up the ballroom. Guests would be arriving soon.

Sadly y/n told Alyssa that it would be safer for her and her other siblings to stay at home until everything was water until the bridge. That included her wedding which Alyssa did not want to miss but y/n insisted for everyone's safety. Big Mom was unstable and y/n was afraid she would attack her siblings if she encountered them at the wedding.

Y/n was in her room with Brûlée and Pudding. Brûlée was helping y/n get ready for her wedding. While Pudding was there because y/n had taken a liking to the eleven year old. She was sweet and y/n found her third eye to be super cute. Y/n was making some tea in a white robe on her couch just trying not to freak out.

"How are you feeling?" Brûlée asked y/n as she was hanging up y/n's dress in the wardrobe.

"Brûlée you've asked me that at least 5 times today." She laughed.

"I can't help it, I'm just so excited plus you asked me to be your maid of honor since your sister couldn't attend. I just can't contain my joy, I'll do your hair next." Y/n smiled at her. She really was happy her sister-in-law was willing to be her maid of honor to help her out.

Time ticked by and y/n's hair and makeup was finished. Now it was time to get into the dress and everything was becoming surreal.

Brûlée helped y/n get into her wedding dress. Y/n looked into the mirrior at herself and almost cried. The style and color were exactly how she imagined it. The dress looked absolutely stunning and she truly felt like a bride. Pudding was staring at y/n with awe and Brûlée was holding back tears.

"It's almost time." Brûlée told y/n who pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you Brûlée."

"You're welcome, my brother is lucky to have someone like you. Let's go."

The guests were seated waiting for the wedding to start. Big Mom was sitting in her chair getting impatient before music signified the start.

Katakuri walked down the aisle. He stood at the top of the altar and watched as few of his brothers who were his groomsmen down the aisle. Then Brûlée walked down, cheeks red with embarrassment. Finally Pudding was in a pretty pink dress as she walked down the aisle throwing rose petals doing her job as the flower girl.

Then the music changed, the bride was here. Everyone rose from their seats awaiting her arrival.

There she was. The bride of Katakuri Charlotte standing at the end of the aisle. Everyone in the Charlotte family and a few guests of Big Mom's were standing watching y/n. Despite all the eyes on her, she was focused on Katakuri. She noted that he could clean up nicely in his tuxedo and a new scarf to match it. His eyes were staring back into hers and she smiled at him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to join Charlotte Katakuri and l/n y/n in marriage. Before I continue, if anyone wishes for the wedding to stop, speak now or forever hold your peace." Of course no one dared to speak up so the wedding continued. The ceremony was short, there were no vows. For a marriage of its kind, typically the bride and groom didn't know anything about each other. However with y/n and Katakuri, with all the drama they went through in the short time of knowing each other they felt close enough to say kind words about each other. But they had a lifetime to say those things they wanted to in private.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The officiant announced, signifying the end of the ceremony. Y/n knew he would skip the 'kiss the bride part', that would require Katakuri to take his scarf off. Even though it was his wedding, he wasn't going to spill his secret today.

She noticed Katakuri lean in closer to her like he was about to whisper something in her ear, his scarf still covered his face.

His face was hidden behind hers. Once he was out of sight of prying eyes, he lowered his scarf ever so slightly. Just enough so that he could lean in and kiss her. Y/n jumped slightly feeling his soft lips touch her cheek. The crowd stared wide eyed at the couple and a few gasps were heard.

His lips left her cheek, leaving y/n frozen before he pulled his scarf back up. The wedding guest started cheering and standing for the newlyweds as they walked down the aisle together, hand and hand.

Y/n officially was the newest member of the Charlotte family as she went down the aisle with her new husband for the next part of the day.

The afterparty.


The reception was loud and flying with energy. Everyone was dancing, singing, and eating sweets. Of course there was a giant wedding cake that was bigger than the venue which Big Mom dug into. Many of the previously unknown Charlotte children came up to y/n to introduce themselves to her. They gave her and their brother well wishes and a happy marriage.

Y/n sat at the newlywed table with Katakuri for most of the night. She would try to excuse herself to take a break from everyone but then another sibling or guest would show up. She was slowly falling asleep in her chair.

"How are you feeling?" Katakuri asked when they got a moment of privacy at their table.

"Honestly I'm tired, I can't wait to sleep." She said, closing her eyes for a second.

"We can leave." Katakuri stated and y/n's eye shot open. She looked at her husband with an 'Are you serious?' look.

"We can't leave, it's our wedding." Y/n said. They had only been at the reception for about three hours but Katakuri predicted it would be another five hours before it ended. Y/n definitely couldn't last that long but she knew leaving her own wedding would be rude.

"Of course we can, it's our wedding after all." Katakuri ensured his wife. He knew his mother would be happy since she had her cake and everyone else was too busy partying to know they would be gone.

"I like the way you think." She smiled at him. Before he stood up and held out his hand to her. She accepted in and the couple made their exit to start their lives together.

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