Chapter 11

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To say Katakuri was worried with an understatement, she had locked herself in her room for an hour. She was on the transponder snail trying to brainstorm with Alyssa ideas on why the island was dying.

Katakuri had fallen asleep leaving against her door waiting for her to come out and he was startled when the door slammed open.

Out came an ecstatic y/n, she believed her and her sister had done it. Y/n explained to her fiancé that the soil that the trees were planted at were running out of nutrients. The soil that was once rich that the trees thrive on was currently dull. Both y/n and Alyssa discussed how if their father had just taken some time to bring in some scientists and researchers he could've figured this out himself. But instead he decided to be selfish and greedy and look where that got him.

Katakuri was pleased that his fiancé was happy. I didn't have to worry about her horrible father's mistakes any longer.

Some time had passed and Big Mom had completely calmed down. Many of the older Charlotte children had given y/n the all clear to go in and see their mother. Linlin was sitting on her throne eating a large cake. A squeal would leave her lips after every bite she took, completely ignoring the two visitors in the room.

Katakuri, who was standing behind y/n, let out a cough and Linlin looked over to the pair.

"Oh y/n. My child your sins have been forgiven." She said before returning to her cake and the other Charlotte children who were in the room to witness this interaction sighed in relief. Their mother's anger had shaken the castle but now it was peaceful once again. Y/n couldn't hide her smile as she looked up at Katakuri who wore a similar expression.

"Now the wedding is in two days and you, my young lady, have a lot to do."

"Me?" Y/n asked totally confused on what Big Mom was talking about.

"Yes! The dress needs to be made and your approval is needed on decorations."

Now this is when y/n realized that she would actually have responsibilities in this family even if they were minute. She wished she would have been told about them earlier, not two days before the wedding. What's done is done and she knew she had to get to work.

She gave Big Mom an affirming nod.

"Once the wedding is over I hope you're ready to serve my son. You'll be moving to his island once it's over. Now go." She said before shooing the pair away. Y/n's jaw hit the floor as Katakuri's face turned bright red. He quickly pulled her out of the room and to a place more private.

The couple sat down in a room together and awkwardly went over their wedding details. Normally stuff like this would be done months in advance before the wedding but not the Charlotte family. Currently they were looking at the guest list in an uncomfortable silence. Katakuri was sick of it so he spoke up.

"Y/n please don't listen to mama, you don't have to "serve" me once we're married. I don't care about that type of stuff." There was the Katakuri y/n knew, always so vague with his words. Y/n knew better, Katakuri wanted to ask something of her but didn't.

"Then what do you want for me, Katakuri?" Y/n asked.

"Nothing... Maybe for you to make me donuts every once in a while. Also for you to be honest with me, if you're not happy you can always tell me and I'll try to fix it." Y/n smiled at his sweet request. The things he wanted were trivial and slightly selfless. It was clear that even if they weren't affectionately there for each other they could be emotionally.

"I can do that and I hope you'll be honest with me."

"I will."

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