Chapter 10

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Y/n chewed her nails. It had been two days since her fiancé left for her home. After they talked that night he left in quite a rush. Based on his mannerisms he was angry, his eyes were fuming as he stormed out of Big Mom's castle.

Listening to Katakuri's advice, she stayed in her room to avoid Linlin. Luckily some of the Charlotte siblings came to keep her company.

Brulee was the only one who knew about what was going on with Katakuri but she knew to stay quiet. As far as y/n knew none of the other sisters knew of her father's betrayal nor did they have information on what was taking Katakuri so long. If y/n were to ask, the girl would respond with something like 'Mama probably sent him on a quick mission, I'm sure he'll be back soon'. Y/n knew the real truth and it scared her. Despite the reassurance she was still worried for Katakuri and for her siblings.

"Good morning Brulee." Y/n smiled at the older girl but Brulee didn't smile back. Something was wrong.

"Y/n. Mama requested to see you." Remorse spread was written on her face and y/n's face went white. Katakuri wasn't back on the island, at least to her knowledge. No one could protect her from Big Mom's wrath if she were to see her now.

"I see." She said before getting up and walking out of her room towards her doom.

She walked down the long hallway to the gates of Hell. When something on the carpet floor caught y/n's e/c eyes.


A small puddle of red had seeped into the fabric of the floor. Only a little bit though. Y/n tried to rationalize that one of the older Charlotte siblings had a wound or minor injury. So she kept walking and she tried to ignore it. That was hard because a red trail started slowly appearing under y/n's feet. First it was a few drops but then it gradually increased into pools. Y/n wasn't stupid she could ignore the few drops of blood but not all of this. It all dragged further down the halls leading towards the throne room doors. They were closed but y/n could tell the crimson trails continued inside the room.

She stopped just outside the doors wondering what to do next? Curiosity was telling her to go inside but her body was screaming to run away. Placing a hand on the door knob she swallowed whatever fear she felt and opened the door.


Everything was red, the once polished throne room was now a gruesome crime scene. Her eyes only saw a glimpse but before she could make out everything large figure dashed towards her. A gloved hand was placed over her eyes to stop her from seeing the disturbing image that stained the room. Judging by the size of the hand, she already knew who it was.

"Katakuri." She said in a whisper. Her unfazed reaction told Katakuri that she hadn't seen too much.

"You don't need to see this." He whispered in her ear and she shuddered. Then a laugh that was unmistakably Big Mom's echoed through the room.

"There she is, My future daughter in law. Come closer my dear." Katakuri tightened his grip on y/n. He turned her body in the opposite direction of his mother very slowly to set her off.

"Mother, you're in a frenzy, once you've calmed down I'll bring y/n to see you." Katakuri slowly began to walk y/n back to the door. Big Mom slammed her hand on the armchair and the room shook.

"Do. Not. Defy. Me. Katakuri." She yelled angrily.

"I would never do such a thing mama. Once you've relaxed she'll come to see you." He said calmly before he pulled the still blinded y/n out the door. Linlin continued to yell for Katakuri but he ignored her and walked out the room. Once the doors clicked shut, he removed his hands from her eyes.

"Are you okay? What did you see?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. What was that?" She asked rather sternly. Sure seeing that much blood was concerning to say the least but she was being frustrated. Just like her family, her future husband's family also has secrets.

"Listen to me carefully. The mission I went on was to bring your father back here to pay for his crimes."

Everything clicked.

"So the blood in there was..." Katakuri didn't let her finish before he answered.


"What about my siblings? Where are they?" Y/n remembered her siblings were also in possible danger.

"Relax, I ensured their safety. They're back on Gold Island. Alyssa sent this letter for you." He pulled a small envelope out of his pocket and handed it to y/n.

Dear Y/n

I really hope you're alright. I'm sorry our father took us away before I could warn you of his plan. Truth be told, when Katakuri showed up on the island I was afraid of him but he assured me he wouldn't hurt us. He also told me that you were safe and that he was there for father and understandably so, I still can't believe he wanted to leave you to die to save his own ass. Anyways I've been doing some research on the gold trees on the island and I believe I found the reason why they were dying. It might take me some time but I'll figure it out. Write back to me once you've received this letter, Katakuri promised he would give it to you. Call me through the transponder snail once you receive this.

I love you y/n,


Y/n smiled at the message that her sister and her other siblings were okay. She missed them dearly and hoped Alyssa wouldn't work herself too hard.

"What did it say?" Katakuri asked, not thinking that question might be invasive.

"My sister wants me to call her when I get a moment." Katakuri nodded to acknowledge her statement. Another one of Big Mom's screams rang through the palace, interrupting the silence between the pair.

"Is your mother okay?" Katakuri really wanted to tell her no and leave it at that, but that would be lying to her.

"She is in a murderous mood. If you had gone in there alone, she would have killed you."

"But she didn't do that because you defended me." Y/n pointed out with a cocky smirk.

"Yes." He responded simply. Y/n smiled at him, knowing the reason he did it. Maybe she didn't know the full extent of his reasoning.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

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