Chapter 3

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Katakuri and y/n were brought to a balcony that overlooked the island. Y/n would think it was breathtaking if not for the circumstance. Waiting on the balcony were two chairs and a table full of sweets just asking to be eaten. Y/n sat down as Katakuri followed and the pair was left alone to get to know one another.

That however did not happen, neither person started a conversation. So they were both sitting in silence for a while and it was killing the atmosphere for y/n. She was looking off at the beautiful scenery while Katakuri's red eyes were staring into her soul. Y/n feel his eyes looming over her body. Having enough of the dreadful quiet she put her tea down and decided to speak.

"Tell me Katakuri what do you think about the arrangement?" She asked nicely. Y/n knows if she is being forced to marry this man, might as well get along with him. Instead of answering he crossed his arms and continued to just stare intensely at her.

His silence was not the answer she wanted so she let out a sigh before talking once more."Katakuri we're stuck together whether we like it or not, so why don't we get to know each other?" She suggested. He let out a sigh that sounded more like a groan.

"I'm not pleased about it, I'm only doing it for mama's sake." He said simply.

"Do you have another you would rather marry?"

"No." He answered quickly. At least she could rule out "star-crossed lovers" or an affair off her list of issues in this marriage.

"What about you? How do you feel about it?" He asked her and her eye twitched ever so slightly at his question. Nonetheless she looked straight into his eyes and smiled at him.

"I hate it." She said with such venom it could kill someone, but she still held a smile. Katakuri was surprised with her sudden mood change. Had he read her wrong? What was this sudden dark aura she had.

"You can eat, you know?" She said, snapping him out of his thoughts. Y/n was already full with the large amount she ate but it barely made a dent in the amount of food on the table.

"I prefer to eat alone." He stated quickly.

"Does it have something to do with the scarf you wear?"

"Yes." He answered. His simply answer only increased y/n's curiosity.

"Then how will you kiss me on our wedding day if you refuse to let me see your full face?" She teased. She didn't know how, but her snarky attitude was coming back.

"I do not plan on doing that." He snapped at her, but y/n just wanted to laugh at him.

"You have wounded me, Katakuri." She said in a dramatic voice, clenching her chest. He raised an eyebrow at her antics and was seriously questioning this woman's sanity if she was joking with the Big Mom Pirates' Sweet General.

"Okay I'm done." She admitted, fixing her posture before taking another sip of her tea. Katakuri watched her every moment as the quiet began to settle back in.

"I can't deal with the silence, you're eating me alive with your eyes." Y/n yelled at him.

He didn't say anything.

"Ugh say something, please."

"Do you care about your family?" He asked suddenly. The random question threw off y/n entirely.


"Tell me about your family."

"Well I have three siblings; Alyssa, Dylan, and Miranda. I love them all so much, they actually are like my children. My mother died when after Miranda was born and my father never remarried. I took care of them, sure we had maids to do that but I felt I had to take on the role."

"I can see you do care about your family a lot."

"Not my father, god that man is a coward. Take our current situation right now, he's selling me off to avoid conflict with your mother. He doesn't care about his children and I don't want to think about what he'll do to them once I leave." She stopped suddenly. She didn't understand why she was telling him all of this. To her he was a complete stranger, why tell him her life story.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean-" She was about to apologize for her rambling when he cut her off.

"I have 84 siblings myself." Katakuri said, trying to help change the subject. "I also love them and I'll do anything to make my mama happy. She can be a lot to handle but it's my wish to make her proud of me. I don't know my father, anytime I asked about him mama told me it was irrelevant."

"You marrying me will make your mother happy?"

"Your family has something mama wants. And what she wants, she gets." Katakuri said. They heard voices approaching, meaning their alone time would soon be ended.

"Do you think we can make this work?" Y/n asked quietly. She realized that maybe her and Katakuri weren't so different after all.

"I think so." Katakuri said and a faint smile appeared on her face.

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