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The house was loud with men's voices as they watched the football game of the season. Unaware of how all of their lives were about to change. The house was a large old home with updates everywhere. Huge TV, brand new kitchen, and a new floor had been installed a week ago. The house had not seen a woman's touch in nearly fifteen years. The head of the house was Chief Jackson Blackheart. He was a widower and had three adult sons. His oldest was a firefighter, Ryan, he was 25 years old. Ryan was a laid-back man with a tendency to be a white night. The middle son was 23 and a construction worker, hence the updated house. His name was Chase, and he was known as the family ladies' man. Lastly was Julian, he was 22, he was the charmer, the musician. He worked at a bar in town and played his guitar every chance he got. All three boys took after their father, tall build, dark hair, and a crooked smile. However, Ryan had brighter green eyes like his mother, Chase had gray eyes from his grandfather, and Julian had light brown eyes like his father.

They all lived with their father because they couldn't stand the idea of their father living all alone in that big house, by himself. It was sunday so you would find them all in front of the big TV watching the game. As usual their best friend, Nick, was watching the game with them. If any one were to ask, they would all agree, he was family too.

The game was in full swing, and the guys were sporting a bunch of whoops and hollers as the score landed in their favor. They were so engrossed in the game that they didn't even hear the knock on the door until it grew into a loud banging. Jackson hopped up and answered the door to find a woman and a newborn baby. She was shaking and her hair was all over the place. She had circles under her eyes and looked angry. He frowned before letting her in, he was the Chief of Police, so his instinct was to let her in and ask questions later. He walked into the front room and paused the TV. The boys all growled and yelled before turning to take in the women. She turned to put the baby in the stroller and turned back to look at them. Chase was the first to speak.

"You look familiar. Have we met before?" he asked cautiously.

She laughed a dry laugh. "Yeah, we hooked up in a bar nine months ago. My name is Amber," she said with a hard growl. "And this is your daughter."

Everyone took a second to absorb the shock, Jacksons face turned gray. Ryan and Julian's eyes widened, and their jaws dropped. Nick placed his hand over his heart in true Italian fashion. All while Chase sank back to the couch and appeared to stop breathing.

"Look I thought I could do this, be a mom all on my own but I can't. I can't do it at all. I grew up in foster care. I barely made it through college and I have never held a baby before in my life. I don't care if I am only thinking of myself. I can't do this," she took her time saying the last four words very slowly. Making a point. Amber had an ugly way of talking and she liked to hold her nose up in the air.

"What would you like us to do?" Jackson said calmly. He was raging mad on the inside, but he would grill his son later. Now was not the time.

"I want your son to sign these papers. They state that I am relinquishing my rights and that he has full custody," she says with pinched lips.

"How can we even be sure the baby is his?" Ryan spoke, saying what everyone was thinking.

"I thought you may say that" she said before moving the stroller to right in front of Chase. "I think her gray eyes make it pretty clear, but if you want to take a DNA test, I can set it up."

"No," Chase announced, saying something for the first time. "I have a friend I can go to. We can go first thing in the morning and if she is mine I will sign the papers."

"Fine but she is staying with you tonight," Amber said and at this everybody protested.

"How can we be sure you will come back in the morning?" said Jackson, ignoring his sons.

"Because I need the papers signed to be able to legally move on," she said with a huff. Obviously not happy with the laws she had to go around to get rid of her daughter.

"Fine, she can stay here until tomorrow morning when we get answers," Jackson said looking down at the baby. Amber smiled and turned to leave, just like that.

"Wait," Chase said, "What is her name?"

"Amelia. But you can change it if you want, I just named her the first name I saw. Which was my nurse's name. She is only six days old so here is her diaper bag but you may need to get more formula and diapers." She turned and walked to the door.

"Amelia," Chase whispered.

Suddenly the baby started crying and all of the men looking over her, jumped out of their skin.

"Dad, what do we do?" Chase asked frantically. He looked scared to pick her up.

"Well for starters we wear a condom," Jackson said before picking the girl up and trying to rock her. Everyone laughed but Chase who looked about ready to mess himself. Jackson continued rocking the baby, but she wouldn't stop crying.

"Who can we call to help us?" Julian said with horror in his eyes. "A woman. We need a woman who can help us. We don't know anything about babies."

"Yeah, but who can we call?" Nick asked.

"There must be someone, anyone who can help," Jackson said as he placed the baby back in the stroller and started walking around with it.

"What about Giana?" Ryan said with panic rising in his voice too. Everyone looked at Nick silently begging.

Finally, Jackson said. "If you don't call her, I will."

And just like that he put his foot down. The call was made.

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