Chapter 1

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Day One

Giana Bianchi

I am staring at my reflection in the mirror trying to get ready for work, but every time I meet my own eyes in the mirror, I feel a sense that something is wrong. My Nonni would say it is my Italian blood telling me to call my familia. I take in my honey blonde hair and my olive skin. My eyes look exactly like my Nonni's, in shape, color and determination. They are a beautiful hazel color. It is rare for someone with my amount of Italian blood to be blonde. While my father is 83% Italian and my mother is 48% Italian, my blonde hair comes from my mom. My parents took a test to determine how much Italian blood they had when they first married. That didn't last long however because she left when I was little and never looked back. Not that I would want her to. My Nonni and Nonno helped my father raise me and my brother.

While my hair may not tell you about my Italian heritage but my skin, my eyes and most of all my accent will. I may have been born and raised in America, but my accent was strong. My soul vibrates with all thing's passion and love and family. My Nonni taught me that. She died three months ago, and it has been killing me. But I will not wallow because she raised me better than that.

"We are Italian women, and we have food to make and men to seduce," I say, repeating her favorite saying.

I finish getting ready and try to forget the feeling in the pit of my stomach. I go to the kitchen assuming I'm just hungry. I take yogurt out of the refrigerator and eat a couple of bites before my phone rings.

I look at the screen and see Nick's name. I try to swallow my anger and answer nicely.

"Hello brother," I say with gritted teeth.

"Hey sis, look I know we are in a fight but I need your help," he says while trying to get away from some loud sound in the background. Suddenly I can't remember what we are fighting about because my brother needs my help. My gut twists up some more as I try to calm down.

"Nick what's going on? You're scaring me," I ask quickly.

"It's Chase, some girl showed up with a kid, a baby and said it's his. She wants to sign away the rights and it's a whole thing but for now we have a baby and not a clue how to take care of her. We are freaking out. Even Jack looks rattled. Giana, we need help," he whispers the last part but I hear his urgency.

"I'm on my way," is all I say as I head to my room and throw clothes into a bag. I grab my soap from the bathroom and make sure to grab my small makeup pack. "I'll be there in thirty minutes. Do you need me to get anything?"

"Yes, diapers and formula. Amelia is six days old so I don't know what kind of size she needs but small. I don't even think her mom brought her a second outfit," he says, sounding pissed at a woman who could do this to her child. I feel the same way. It was a very good thing that I was not there when she dropped off her kid and ran.

"Okay I can get all that. Nick, I want you to take a picture of the contract she left and send it to me. Every page, you hear me?" I say in a strong voice as I grab my wallet and head for the door

"Okay got it. You will have it in the next two minutes," he replies.

"Okay I will be there as soon as I can," I say and hang up and call my work. I give them a quick explanation and head to the nearest store. I load up on diapers, wipes, burp clothes, clothes, a blanket, and a playpen for her to sleep in. I also grab her a little stuffed animal. When I finish in that section, I head to get groceries to make dinner for all of the boys. God knows all that in their refrigerator is beer and leftover pizza.

I get back in the car and see that Nick has sent me the pictures. I automatically send them to my best friend, who is a lawyer, with a text telling her to look them over. I jump on the highway and head the two towns over.

I drive past my parents house and pull in at the Blackhearts driveway. I back in and pop the back of my car open before running inside. I walk in to find everyone sitting on one couch looking at the baby directly across from them. She is crying and they are just looking at her with salome faces. Not knowing what to do. They jump up when I walk in the room. I walk over and take the baby out of the stroller and hold her body to mine. She stops crying and stills. Her eyes drifted to sleep fast.

I look up and take in the boy's handsome faces and remember how hard it was growing up with these guys. While I am only Julian's age, most of my high school fantasies revolved around Ryan and Chase. Julian has been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I always knew I never wanted anything more with him.

"Everyone but Chase, go unload my car now," I said, looking back to the baby. She is clearly his baby. She looks just like him and from the look in his eyes, I think he realizes it too. I walk over to sit on the couch with him. He just stares at her in my arms, bewildered.

"Have you held her yet?" I whisper.

"No, I'm scared," he says honestly. Chase usually makes a joke or says a line to avoid being vulnerable but he is so shocked by this, that he can't even pretend.

"Take your shirt off," I tell him.

"What?" he says a little louder than he should have with the baby right here.

"You trust me, right?" I ask him. He nods and takes off his shirt. I resist the urge to check him out and I take Amelia's shirt off too and sit her right on her daddy's chest. He looks startled and unsure. I take his arms and put them around her. I get up and grab one of the bags the boys have brought in and take the blanket over to them.

"Skin on skin will help you bound. She can tell that you are her blood. She just needs you to hold her," I say as I put the blanket over her. He only nods, refusing to look away from her face. I smile at the sight. They have finished unloading everything and are now watching Chase and Amelia in silence.

Suddenly I am engulfed in a hug by all of the boys. Jackson leans down and kisses my cheek. "Thank you for coming G, I was really starting to panic."

"Of course, la famiglia si prende cura della famiglia," I say easily.

"Family takes care of family," they all repeat after me in English.

"Alright, line up," I turn and tell the boys. "Not you Chase."

They line up in front of me waiting for the Italian kiss. I walk up to my brother first, "I will yell at you later because we have a sleeping baby, but you are not off the hook. Now I need you to go home, tell Papa and Nonno what has happened. Tell them that dinner will be done at 7. Also I need you to grab three jars of Nonni's sauce," I say, kissing his cheek before dismissing him.

I turn to Ryan and kiss his cheek as well, "You look handsome. I have missed you."

I turn to Julian and kiss his cheek, "You look good but you need a haircut. I have missed you too."

I turn to Jackson. "I have missed you most of all," I said before kissing his forehead. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. I grew up with Jackson and my dad being best friends. He was like my surrogate uncle.

"Okay back to business," I said before walking over to the bags. "Ryan, sweetheart, I want you to set up the playpen. Julian, I want all the food on the kitchen island. Jack, help me bring the rest to the front room," I said before grabbing a bag and getting to work. 

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