Chapter 5

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"Okay I'm a raisin. Who is ready to put on dry clothes?" Ellie said. My head jerked up. I must have fallen asleep on Julian's shoulder.

"Yeah, let's go inside," I said with a small yawn. I stood up and stumbled to the door with Ellie behind me.

"Let's meet downstairs after we get changed. I want you to look over the contract before we go to bed," I say before walking into my room.

"You got it," she says as she continues walking to her room.

I went into my room and hopped in the shower. I washed as quickly as possible and then I pulled on some shorts and one of Chase's old t-shirts. I brushed my hair out and started for the hall. When I got there I found Ellie at the top of the stairs, frozen in place.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"The guys are talking about you. I was curious," she said without turning around. I tiptoed up behind her and listened carefully.

"Don't know what we would have done. She is kind of our saving grace," Chase said.

"Yeah, no wonder she was so tired. She spent all day taking care of us and the baby. We really need to find a way to thank her and show her how much we love her," Ryan said.

"Yeah, and I have an idea that might work. I'll work on it and let yall know," Julian said.

"God she looks good though. I always forget how beautiful she is until she is here," Ryan says.

"When are you going to tell her?" Chase asks.

"If the moment is perfect, I'll make sure she knows," Ryan said.

"I still don't think you are her type but if you really like her then I guess you need to tell her," Julian says.

I blush thinking about the words before turning to go down stairs, but I stop when I hear Amelia crying. I walked to Chase's room and found Jack holding her. I smiled at the sight.

"May I?" I said, holding out my arms. "You have had a long day. Go get some sleep. I've got her."

He nodded and headed to his room with half closed eyelids. I turned to the beautiful baby in arms, and started singing an old Italian lullaby as I walked down the stairs with her. I sat down on the couch and sang until she fell back asleep.

"Okay, so the reason I have invited Ellie down here is because she is a lawyer and she can tell if this contract is misleading," I whispered. Everyone nodded and Chase handed her the contract. We all sat quietly as she read over every page. I rocked the baby while Julian made a bottle. Chase watched Ellie the whole time she was reading the contract. Ryan sat at my feet and looked up at me and Amelia. I lightly put my hand on his cheek. He shivered at my touch and took my hand to hold in his own.

"Okay, it's worse than I thought. She has some clauses in here that state that you can never tell the baby who her mother is. She also stated that she should be given a sum of money for carrying the baby to term and giving birth," she said, once she had finished, Chase curse at the news and shook his head

"What should I do?" he asked.

"I would suggest that you don't say anything to her tomorrow until you have the results in your hand. Then I would tell her that you have a lawyer and if she doesn't sign your contract, you will go to court. If you go to court, you will most definitely win because she abandoned the baby here," Ellie says. "But I really do think she will sign it."

Chase nodded and looked over at the baby on my chest. His eyes held a sadness in them and I wanted to reach out and hug him.

"What if I can't do this? I mean I am the world's biggest player. I didn't even recognize Amber today. Not to mention raising a baby girl in a house full of men. What if I am not good enough for her?" he said, looking at me and Ryan, hoping we would have the answer.

"You want us to tell you what to do. Okay, you are going to stop going to bars to hook up. You are going to stop working weekends. You are going to do whatever the hell you need to do, because you are going to have to become good enough for her. That's what you do. You become what she deserves," Ryan said in his big brother voice that I have only ever heard a few times.

"We believe in you Chase. I believe in you. I have no doubt that you can do this," I said, taking a hold of his hand and squeezing.

"You're both right, I can do this. I have to, she already has me wrapped around her finger. There are no other options but to man up and do the best I can," he said, nodding.

"I think you're a great dad already," Ellie says, smiling at Chase before standing up. "I'm going to bed you guys. Goodnight."

"Me too, I have to work in the morning," Julian said before leaning down to kiss my cheek goodnight. He turned at the last second and gave Amelia a kiss too. "Goodnight girls," he whispered with a smile.

"I don't have to work tomorrow so I can help with the baby tonight," Ryan said. "I looked it up and she will probably wake up every two hours."

"Are you serious? Every two hours," Chase said, shaking his head.

"She is a week old, so the older she gets the longer she sleeps. But for now we should all try and get some sleep. We have to sleep when she sleeps," I said before slowly moving to get up. Careful not to wake her, I held her tight to my chest. "Ryan, why don't you make up a couple of premade bottles and put them in the refrigerator."

He nodded and headed to the kitchen. We walked into his room and I kissed her cheek before I laid her down in her bed. Chase made sure her blanket was secure and he kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight princess," he whispered as Ryan came in to join us.

"I can stay in here with you tonight," Ryan said to Chase.

"Yeah that sounds good," he said

"I am right across the hall so I will leave my door open. Come get me when you need me," I said before giving both of them a kiss on the cheek.

I walked to my room and stepped out of my shorts, and pulled my hair into a bun. I could feel eyes on me and I climbed into bed but I was too tired to register it. I drifted off to sleep thinking about the boys and the baby.

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