Chapter 20

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The Family Barbeque

I smile as I see everyone gathered in our backyard. With Ryan standing behind me and his arms around me, I feel at peace. I watch as Chase is holding Mia while chatting with Hailey from the daycare. Julian is in the center of the yard playing with his band. Nick is flirting with Elise in the pool. The yard is surrounded by friends, family, and even some awkward ex's. Most everyone is done eating, and are lounging around. I turn to see Chase walking towards me with Amelia in arms. He holds her out to me and turns on a microphone.

"I want to thank everyone for coming out to meet my beautiful baby girl. There are so many things I want to say but seeing as how I have never been good at speeches; I am going to hand the microphone over to someone who is." Chase says in a charming way before handing me the microphone.

Ryan moves to my side and I look up at him and know exactly what I want to say. "My Nonni had an old Italian wives tail. She said it only takes Bianchi women three days to fall in love. Well she was never wrong before so she is not about to start now." I took a breath as everyone laughed. "I have loved these Blackheart men my entire life but when it came time to fall in love with one, three days was all it took. But when I met Amelia, I didn't need three day. From the first second I saw her eyes, I knew. She was our family and the love I had for her was instant. I think it was that way for all of us. So as we stand here today, celebrating our newest family member, I want us to remember, la famiglia si prende cura della famiglia."

"Family takes care of family," everyone repeated in English. My heart swelled as everyone raised their glass and toasted to the future. Ryan caught my lips in his and everything in the world was exactly right.

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