Chapter 6

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Day two

I woke up with a start, looking around to see the sunlight shining into my room. I had Amelia on my chest and Ryan in bed beside me. Ryan had one arm lying over my lower stomach and his face was resting in my neck. I looked to my left and found Chase on the floor. I was slowly starting to remember the up and down of last night when Amelia started to wake. I picked her up and laid her on her daddy's chest before hitting him on the arm.

"Condoms," I hissed before curling into Ryan's warmth.

"Yeah, trust me, I am never forgetting condoms ever again," Chase said as he got up and left the room.

I snuggled into Ryan, not caring about anything but how much I wanted to stay right here. He pulled me tight against his body and kissed my forehead. I shuddered at the feel of him. God it has been a long time since I have let myself want him.

"Hey, you gonna cook breakfast?" Julian asked, popping his head in the door. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at his face. "Okay, fine I'll cook. By the way, what's going on here? Anything I should know about?" Julian grumbled.

"Ryan," was all I needed to say for him to know he needed to deal with his brother.

"Julian, don't ask questions that you don't want the answer to. Go help Chase with the sleep killer," he said without lifting his head from my chest. If anything, he just snuggled closer. Julian closed the door and left.

"Hey do you have to work today?" I mumbled.

"I have to work tonight. I go in at 6," he said with a sigh as he leaned back to see my face.

"Well your dad and Julian have work today, so it may be us going with Chase. Someone needs to make sure he doesn't fold on her contract," I said squinting against the light.

"Giana, do you trust me?" he asked softly.

"Of course," I said quickly.

"Good, then you will trust me when I say that you can't go today. You love Amelia so much already and you will probably kill Amber. That won't help us any," he said, looking at me a little scared.

"Okay. I mean I want to come but I know myself and my Italian rage isn't what we need right now. So I will stay here but are you sure you can handle it by yourself?" I nodded. He looked so surprised to find me agreeing that he didn't even hear my question.

"Woah you're agreeing," he said, shaking his head.

"Yeah you're really comfortable and I don't want to argue and ruin it. Besides, if high school taught us anything, it's that I don't do well with people who hurt my boys," I said quietly. He nodded and then flipped us over so that I was pinned under him. He leaned down and kissed my neck. I had to hold in a moan and my sanity as I squirmed against him.

He chuckled against my skin as he whispered, "I love that I affect you as much as you affect me."

"I affect you?" I asked a little breathless.

"Are you kidding? You have been affecting me since I was sixteen. It's why Lisa cheated on me," he said looking at me with honest eyes. "She knew I always wanted you."

"No, she cheated on you because she was selfish and couldn't decide what she wanted. Nothing you did caused her to cheat," I said, placing my hands on both sides of his face. He turned and kissed my palm. "What are we doing?" I asked, breathless again.

"Well, right now we are about to get up before this goes too far and we will pick it up when we aren't sleep deprived and groggy. Deal?" he said as he brushed his fingers across my face.

"Deal," I said with a blush. He rolled off me and held out a hand to help me up. I looked up to see a dark gaze on his face as he looked me over. I realized I was still wearing just an oversized shirt and no pants. I smiled before wrapping my arms around his neck. "I really do affect you, don't I?"

"You really, really do," he whispered as he looked at my lips. Suddenly I couldn't remember what we were talking about, he leaned down just as I reached up and just like that my skin set on fire. He kissed me slowly at first, coaxing me out and then as soon as I opened my mouth for him, the kiss became frantic. I couldn't touch him enough, I pressed one hand under his shirt on his stomach and the other was gripping his hair. He had me pinned against the wall and was lifting my legs up to wrap around him. I moaned out loud as he pressed his entire body against mine. The feeling of his hard muscles against my soft curves set me on fire. It felt like my skin was erupting with nerve ending pleasure everywhere he was touching. He seemed to feel it too because he moved on from my mouth and started kissing my neck. I was having a hard time keeping my moans quiet but the sound of him groaning against my skin wasn't helping.

Suddenly we could hear Julian downstairs, "Breakfast," he screamed, which was followed by Amelia crying. Slowly Ryan looked up at me, a look of lust still evident. We were both breathing heavily, and we were still pressed up tight against each other. He slowly let my feet fall to the ground.

"We are going to talk about this later and when we do, you are going to agree to a date. A real date," he said firmly, pressing a small kiss on my lips. I nodded my head, still a little dazed. I lifted a finger to my lips to find them perfectly swollen. He smirked at me as I did this.

"Okay we will talk later but for now I have to get dressed before your brother has an aneurysm," I said with a smile before heading to my bathroom. I looked at my reflection, I had flushed cheeks and my lips were in fact swollen. I washed my face and brushed my hair before putting on enough make up to cover the now permanent flush. My hair was naturally curled from brushing it so I left it alone. I walked back to my room and put on some skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. The whole time I was getting ready, all I could think about was how I wanted to kiss Ryan again. I felt like such a girl, fretting over the boy who never noticed her. But maybe that wasn't true, because apparently, he did notice me. Now I just have to figure out what that means.

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