Chapter 9

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An hour later, Jack popped his head in and said, "She is here."

I opened my eyes and turned to Ryan, "Are you ready for this?"

"I have woken up besides you twice today, this Amber chick can't take away this good day," he said, before standing and taking my hand to pull me up with him. We went to the bathroom and brushed our hair and teeth, giggling as we caught each other staring at the other.

I looked at myself in the mirror and repeated Nonni's favorite saying, like I did everyday. "We are Italian women and we have food to make and men to seduce."

"Well you have already accomplished the latter," Ryan said as he placed a kiss on my temple. He laced his fingers through mine and we walked down the stairs together.

I stopped at the end and took a minute to really look at Amber. She had red-brown hair and a skinny face. Her eyes looked hollow but her face was so scrunched up that you could barely tell. She was dressed nice in a pencil skirt and a white silk blouse. She had a rather flat backside and a rather heavy chest. I am kind of surprised she doesn't have a nose bleed with how high her nose is in the air. Her gaze turned to me and she got a sour expression on her face. Something tells me is used to feeling like the best woman in the room but as she took in all the guys' faces as they looked at me, she could tell that wasn't the case here.

I walked over to Chase and placed my hand on his shoulder as I spoke, "You must be Amber. I am Giana Bianchi."

Everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at my nice manner except Amber, who looked offended, "Am I supposed to know what that means? Are you the maid or something?"

"More like the cook," I said as my smile never wavered. Better for her to underestimate me and not see me coming.

"She is family," Chase says.

"And my best friend." Julian said.

"And my girlfriend," Ryan says.

"You boys are so possessive," I said with a shake of my head as I looked around for Mia. She was nestled in Jack's arms looking at the ceiling. I walked over and held out my hands for her. I looked her over and noticed that Chase had given her a bath and changed her clothes. She didn't need a new diaper but she was missing socks. I walked over to the couch and laid her down as I finished getting her ready. When I turned back, Amber's face was red from anger. Apparently she didn't like watching me with the daughter she planned on abandoning. I walked back to Chase and set her in his arms.

"Keep me updated on what's going on. I will have lunch ready when you get back. Any suggestions?" I asked, not paying any attention to Amber.

"Yeah, order some takeout. You didn't get enough sleep last night to spend all day in the kitchen," he said before placing a kiss on my cheek. He busied himself with putting Mia in her car seat.

I turned to Ryan and placed my hands on his chest. I leaned up to give him a quick kiss but he wasn't having it. He pulled me closer and gave me one of those toe curling kisses. His hand traveled to the bottom of my back and he pulled me tight against him. We pulled apart when Jack started coughing real loud, on purpose no doubt.

"This is gonna take a lot of getting used to," Chase said with a look of disgust on his face. Julian and Jack nodded along with him.

Ryan just chuckled and gave me another quick kiss. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face if I tried.

"Can we go now?" Amber's voice wined.

"Yeah, let's go," Chase said softly as he followed her out of the house with Ryan right behind.

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