Chapter 17

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The loud bang of my back falling heavily against the closed door barely registered in my fuzzy brain as searching lips collided in a clash of heated sparks. It was as if our bodies couldn't get close enough, as if our skin wanted nothing more but to meld together for all of eternity, leaving not even a hair's width of a gap between the spaces.

Corey's hulkingly large body that pressed firmly over mine was a welcome wall of protection against the rest of the world as he descended upon my willing lips over and over. The constant, dangerously low grumble in his chest and the swirl of metal in his irises left no doubt about the fact that Corey and his Alpha wolf were overcome with their protective instincts given the... situation that had just transpired not even ten minutes prior.

The left side of my chest almost hurt with how hard my heart involuntarily squeezed at the memory.

Those harsh words hurled at me from Alpha Sephtis cut deep, deeper than I could ever bring myself to admit. And as the feral wolf talked about taking me for himself, to live as one of his own, personal, Omega harems, I found myself frozen in the spot, throat tightening with both fear and frustration at the fact that he saw me that way.

I felt ashamed as I sat there, unable to respond as the feral Alpha continued on.

Any good Beta would defend themselves, any good Beta would have already challenged this stupid ass man, but not me.

I couldn't do anything other than sit there in shock as my brain whirled.

Maybe my father was right. Maybe I wasn't cut out to be a Beta.

However, as I attempted to regain the shreds of my composure, Corey's soothing voice instead floated to the forefront of my brain, the distinct softness of it dominating the loud place where my father's harsh voice had been for the entirety of my life.

'Jax, look at me. You are always safe with me'

Then, before I could blink, Corey made good on that promise.

My mate was crouched dangerously on top of that table, every bit of the strong and capable Alpha that he was on display as his large muscles flexed and sharp jaw ticked. The sight of him had my thighs pressing together under the table, and I couldn't seem to tear my eyes away from the man who did not hesitate to make it his duty to protect me, to defend my fragile honor even though I'd done absolutely nothing to deserve it.

'Because if you even so much as breathe in the direction of my mate again, I will take the greatest pleasure in making you disappear'

Needless to say, the level of desire I felt for my mate in that moment was borderline embarrassing.

I had never felt a homosexual urge like that in my entire fucking life. If I were an Omega, my backside would be sopping with slick at that moment as I contemplated how many pounds per square inch of pressure I would need to use to suck the meat right off of his dick.

Corey's intense growl brought me back to the present as his calloused hand reached up to wrap around my slender neck with the gentlest touch, thumb brushing lovingly against his deep mark, a physical reminder of the bond between both of our souls.

"I need to mark you again." Corey's deep voice reverberated as we finally detached our lips, although our chests continued heaving. The raspiness and slight strain of his voice indicated how close Dash was to taking over. "... I can already feel both myself and Dash falling into Rut if I do not." His eyes closed as his free hand went down to grab mine, bringing the back of it to his lips as if he were the perfect gentleman. "May I?"

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