Chapter 18

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"... and then he used his big ass needles to draw my blood. You should be proud of me, I almost didn't pass out this time!" I grinned, flashing my pearly whites proudly up at Tyrus who smiled back, raising a teasing brow back down at me as we walked alongside one another down the hallway that led to the elevator.

"Oh, yeah? I'll tell Benji to miss a few times before he sticks you next time, then."

Tyrus' comforting chuckle resounded through the hallway as I nudged his side with my shoulder, his hands coming up in surrender as he stumbled a few steps away.

"I'm never telling you anything ever again." I groaned, arms crossed firmly against my chest as I glared at the man.

"I was jooooking, it was a joooke, ease up on a guy." He chuckled again as he went to fall back into step with me, but not before slinging his heavy arm across my shoulders and pulling my body unceremoniously into his broad side. "God/dess help me, I've got a drama queen for a future brother-in-law. You'd think we have enough of those in this family already, but I guess you'll fit right in." He winked down at me, grin only widening as we approached the elevator.

"I liked you a lot better when I thought that you were dumb." I grumbled as Tyrus' leg simultaneously flew up, only to mash his big toe down on the 'up' button. "... actually... maybe I spoke too soon."

"I am not dumb." Tyrus retorted as he lowered his leg, drawing out the last word. "I just choose the use of my brain cells wisely."

After my first bout of therapy with Benji this morning, I was shocked to see Tyrus, and not Corey, waiting for me with a giant grin on his playful face. He explained that Corey had planned to pick me up afterward, but my mate had somehow gotten coerced into taking care of the Alpha twins by his Omega brother while he and Osias went on what they called a 'much-needed parenting break.'

On our way toward the Alpha suite, where my mate was allegedly being held captive, I'd explained some of the basic things Benji and I were planning on working on during our sessions. One of which was genetic testing to determine if I had any indicators for mental health disorder susceptibility.

What can I say, after our little talk in his car outside of the restaurant, there was a new level of unspoken trust between the two of us. Tyrus was easy to talk to and gave damn good advice, even if he did still have a few brain cells loose.

However, despite my new friendship with my mate's loyal brother, there were still many things that I kept to myself. For example, I doubted he wanted to hear about the budding dominant and submissive relationship that I had with his brother, or the fact that the 'genetic testing' that Benji was doing was also looking for any abnormalities to explain how in the ever-loving fuck I managed to make slick.

After I'd yelled our safeword at the top of my lungs last night, Corey's entire demeanor shifted. I could've cried with the way that my heart swelled as I witnessed him force Dashiell, his Rut, and his very genetic makeup back as his immediate priority became me.

To comfort me, to hold me through my stress, to respect my desires.

To do so was not easy by any sense of the word, as Alpha instincts are known to be the hardest of all to subdue. But as I'd steadily learned over time, Corey's ability to control and command his own psyche was a feat to behold.

But, as my breathing slowly calmed with the help of my mate's guidance, I had begun to notice the slip of his mental capacity in the slightest tremble in his thick arms that encaged me against his body, and the incessant flickering of his eyes to my neck, to his mark.

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