Chapter 34

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After triple-checking over my shoulder to ensure that no one else was watching, I shoved my hand deep into the back of my bedside drawer. I blindly rooted around in the semi-organized space until my fingertips found the shape of the item I was looking for. Then - quickly - I slid the object into the pocket of my jacket, closed the drawer, and made my way out of Jax and I's room. 

I made quick work of the sweeping staircase in the center of the Pack House before navigating back to the sitting room from which I originally came. When I crossed the threshold, the sight before me was one that I would gaze into for eternity if only I were afforded such a privilege.

There he was. There they were.

"Dude, this stuff is gonna make you so jacked. Make sure to drink a lot; not enough so that you poop all over me again like last time, but just enough so that you get big and strong and that I can teach you how to kick some as-" He paused, eyes widening with recognition at the curse word that he was about to use, "Sorry, not ass, I mean to say butt!" His eyes widened even more to a size that almost resembled a certain, yellow-haired Faerie, "Oh fuck, I still said it!"

I chuckled. "Almost there, gift. You're already doing better than last week." I praised, leaning over to press a kiss to Jax's soft lips before bestowing one on the top of Theon's sleepy forehead as well.

I wished that I could freeze an image in time, to brand the picture of Jax swaying Theon back and forth in the rocking chair as he fed him into my heart until the end of time. It was so idyllically perfect in such an imperfect way, the simple, domestic pleasure of seeing my mate take care of our baby igniting certain desires that I did not even recognize as a component of my being until now.

I mentally pinched Dashiell as he drooled across the front of my skull, reminding him that this was not the time to pump his Omega full of pups. That could wait until approximately twelve o'clock, after our errands were finished.

"Thanks for the encouragement, but I'm pretty sure I'm a lost cause." Jax sighed, shoulders drooping, but he still held Theon as gently as ever. "This potty mouth is here to stay, let's just hope Theon doesn't catch on too quickly." Then, he finally looked up at me, a smile stretching the spattering of freckles that also dotted the skin of his pink lips. "Don't you have shit to do today? Wait, fuck! I did it again!"

I just laughed again, nodding as I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket, my left one clenching around the object that I had just placed there.

Lying to Jax was like tearing off a limb and still having to pretend that everything was intact. Luckily my inherent lack of facial expressions made it a little easier to hide my unease regarding the fact that I was about to intentionally mislead my soulmate regarding my plans for the day, but not by much. So, with an incredibly deep breath and a quick talk down from the ledge, I finally responded.

"Yes. Warrior... stuff." I lied all-but-smoothly, palms and soul itching with the need to pull Jax into my arms, inform him of the truth behind my sinful, treacherous deception, and then promptly beg for his forgiveness.

I quietly added that to my to-do list, right underneath 'fuck mate at approximately twelve o'clock.'

Jax just grinned wider, chirping a quick "Okay, have fun! Love you!" Before turning his attention back down to Theon. "Alright, lil' dude. Wanna hear about the time I accidentally set twenty-three live chickens loose inside the pack house? See, it all starts with acquiring the goods. My personal place of choice was our local KFC..."

I shuffled a little in my spot, absolutely not trying to stall at all.

"Are you sure that you will be okay?" I suddenly blurted after a few moments of nervous hovering.

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