Chapter 12

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That's how many times Corey and I ended up tangled back up within each other's arms that night before I simply lost count. Our limbs intertwined, lips whispered sweet nothings, and souls connected every time he thrusted, burying himself deep into the core of my body throughout the dark of the night. 

It wasn't until the early hours of the morning, when budding rays of sunlight began to stream through the cracks between my curtains, that we realized just how carried away we had gotten. Only then did we reluctantly peel our spent bodies off of the floor, stumbling tiredly towards my bed. 

Well - to be more precise - I stumbled like a newborn baby due to the fact that my entire body felt like melted fucking jello after being twisted into borderline acrobatic positions for hours on end. Corey tried his best to convince me to let him carry me to the bed, but I simply smacked away his concerned hands that fretted around me as I wobbled. 

There was absolutely no way in hell that I was going to let that man know that he'd blown my back out beyond recognition and that I could barely keep myself upright. So - with the threat of my already deflated ego being at stake - I focused every single one of my muscle fibers on getting across the room to my bed, which looked like the most comforting thing in the universe after getting fucked countless times on a hard, wooden floor. 

And against the wall.

And over the dresser. 

And practically upside down.

Yeah, not gonna even gonna give you guys the details on that last one. 

I was asleep as soon as my head hit the mattress, not caring in the slightest that I was definitely still covered in the aftermaths of our mating, or that I was sprawled out - spread-eagled and sideways - on top of the duvet.

Once again my dreams were wonderfully uneventful, which I was grateful for as I woke the next afternoon. One plus of being forced to be near Corey due to our tether was the fact that sleeping near him seemed to make my night terrors disappear into thin air, as if his soothing presence protected me from the painful memories that usually attacked while I slept. 

Of course Corey was already wide awake by the time I woke up from my death-like slumber. His eyes were trained intently on the pages of a new book as he leaned back against my headboard, his expression once again emotionless. However, this time I knew better. 

I always thought that the man before me was in control of every aspect of his being - that he was perfection reincarnate - which scared the shit out of me knowing that I was basically nothing but a fleshy sack of imperfections. But now I knew now that behind his cold, expressionless exterior a colorful range of feelings and emotions resided, ones that Corey simply struggled to express.

My groggy eyes couldn't help but rake over his bare torso, savoring the sight of his thick muscles that flexed just the slightest bit as he went to turn the page. 

"I see you're back to being a nerd." I husked out sarcastically, my voice a bit scratchy due to the amount of use that it got last night. 

Corey's eyes flickered over to me as the sound of my voice caught his attention, and he gently closed his book, setting it to the side. He then reached over, delicately sifting his strong fingers through my hair that was undoubtedly sticking up in all kinds of directions after last night's activities. His fingertips pressed firmly against my scalp, rubbing against it gently and I had to put in conscious effort to force my eyes from rolling into the back of my head at the pleasurable feeling.

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