Chapter 10

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The song above is literally Ortiz's feelings in a nutshell! It's also just a beautiful song, go ahead and listen :)




I winced at the harsh tone of the small man who was currently looking up at the host of the restaurant with murder in his eyes. Danny's much larger husband looked at the host with an apologetic expression, his arms wrapped firmly around the smaller man's waist from behind as to prevent his mate from pummeling the host with the black neck pillow that he clutched tightly in his hand. 

"Calm down, bunny. I'll handle this. Please just go and sit down, I don't want you to exert yourself... Especially not right now." Rayson told his mate gently, whispering the last part under his breath. Danny pouted for a moment at his mate's words before nodding, giving the host one last glare before heading over towards us. The small man plopped down on the bench next to a smiling Berlin, who was holding his two tiny sons closely against his chest in a frontward facing sling. 

The little rascals had just learned how to shift to human judging by the screams and cries that had begun to emanate throughout the pack house in the past few days. Osias looked thoroughly exhausted, his head bobbing as he struggled to remain awake and upright in his stance against the wall. I could imagine that all of the insanity going on right now was stressing him the hell out, not to mention having a postpartum mate and newborn twins to take care of on top of Alpha duties. The man was probably getting zero sleep these days. 

Danny cooed lovingly at his grandsons, all anger forgotten as he asked them who their favorite granddad was before slowly saying his name, as if the newborns were supposed to repeat after him. 

Simultaneously, In the corner of my eye, I saw Rayson slip the shaken host a 50 dollar bill, probably just begging the man to let us into the restaurant before his mate raised hell. 

I laughed the tiniest bit at that internally. Berlin's crazy family was a welcome distraction to the insanity of my life at the moment. Luckily, but my withdrawal symptoms were almost completely gone at that point due to my increased Beta healing, but there were other, more stressful matters at hand.

"Daddy, you know they can't talk yet." Berlin giggled out, rubbing a knuckle against Hale's tiny, chubby cheek, the baby yawning sleepily and eyes fluttering in response to his Dad's soft touch.

"Yeah, well I'm priming them, so that they will know exactly who is their favorite when they do start talking." Danny replied before going back to his task of teaching his name to the babies who were steadily falling asleep peacefully against their Dad's sweater-clad chest. A moment later, Rayson walked over to us with a smile. 

"They've got our table ready. We can go in." He said, grinning over at his mate who bolted up from his spot on the bench, leading the way for everyone to follow him into the crowded restaurant as he chattered about how excited he was to finally eat something. 

Berlin tapped Osias's sleeping form, who quickly became alert and followed behind his mate as he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes with a thumb and forefinger. Tyrus followed closely behind, staring into space and probably thinking about his little fae. Meanwhile, Rayson hung near the back of the group with Corey and I, sighing and turning towards us while scratching the back of his neck nervously once his mate was out of earshot. 

"Don't tell Danny this, but I actually forgot to make the reservations. Luckily, that guy was bribable." 

Normally (AKA if I wasn't preoccupied with with thinking about my rapidly approaching death), I would have laughed heartily at the statement and given some witty response, but all I could bring myself to do was grin halfheartedly in his direction as we walked into the dining area of the restaurant. 

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