Chapter 22

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Corey's hands were everywhere in an instant, pressing me down into the blankets below us that smelled so much like us. It was so soothing that scent, and I could almost cry as he gingerly held the back of my head to lower me down.

Once I was situated underneath him, pressed into the covers which were - now that I think about it - probably my brain's half-hearted attempt at some sort of Omegan nest, his lips came down. They pressed against my forehead first, and then the very tip of my nose, and finally twitched as they hovered just over my own.

"Safeword." He whispered against them, eyes fixated on my own as they swirled with hints of metal. Dashiell was undoubtedly stirring around in there, riled up by my request.

"Unicorn." I muttered back against his lips. Just as the last syllable slipped past my lips, he was on me.

His lips were so soft, so gentle, but also had no qualms about showing me who I belonged to. And his tongue - that fucking tongue - worked wonders as it twirled past the barrier of my teeth, and my own rose to meet his advances.

I don't think I would ever tire of kissing Corey.

He knew just what to do to leave me shaking and absolutely destroyed in his grasp, my want devolving into a reckless and all-consuming need.

When he finally pulled back I could only describe the sight before me as one plucked straight from my wet fantasies. When he glanced down at my shuddering condition, all that I could see was his eyelids dragging down with the weight of the passion that they held within their dangerous depths. The lust in his eyes was a storm that I was quickly moving in my direction, and quite honestly, I didn't care how long it would take to recover after he was done wrecking me.

"Corey..." I begged, squirming underneath his eyes that drank me in as if I were the last sip of water in a forever desert. "Put it in."

His eye twitched.

"Say please." Corey ordered, leaning down to cage me in a protective shield of his muscular body. My breath caught.

"P-please." I begged, hands reaching up in desperation as I tried to yank any clothing away from him that I could get my hands on.

If you would have told me last year that I would be on the floor, begging to be fucked by my Alpha mate and boyfriend, I would have roundhouse kicked you in the fucking jugular.

But, alas, here I was, ready to be fucked out and left for dead if it only meant he would be inside me - stretching me out around that thick, heavy-duty weapon that he called a cock.

"Good boy" Came his praise, and I preened in response.

'I'm something good. I'm something good. I'm something good.' Were the only thoughts strumming through my desire-ridden brain as Corey quickly undressed the both of us. I kicked my legs to assist his efforts as he shimmied me out of my pants, and they landed god/dess-knows-where among the abyss of my room.

I really didn't give a single flying fuck. I had a one-track mind right now, and that track was one-hundred percent focused on getting stretched open on my mate's girthy knot.

His hand slid underneath me, pressing against the tight ring of muscle. I prepared for the intrusion of his fingers, but what I got instead was much, much better.

"Hahh..." I was panting, clawing at every little bit of skin I could find as his lips closed around my hole, massaging the tight ring into a soft surrender with the pad of his devilish tongue.

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