Chapter 37

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Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Each drop of my fingertips onto the countertop marked another second away from him.

My biceps flexed, back tensed, and eye twitched as they remained laser-focused on the LED light blinking atop the electric kettle.

Any second now it would beep, turn bright green, and I could finally return to the only place that I belonged – in bed, with Jax tucked in my embrace while I attentively awaited the next wave of his heat to call me into action.

... Any second now.

"Oh, how's everything going, dude?"

My head snapped to the side, eyes narrowing to interrogative slits at the intruder. That is, until I recognized the shaggy, strewn undercut, black earrings, and tired eyes.


"Jax's throat hurts, so I am making him tea. And his weight seems to have lessened by approximately a pound over the past three days, so I have gathered items to feed him between the waves." My gaze momentarily flitted to the teetering pile of various snacks on the counter beside me before settling back on the kettle light.

... I should probably have gotten more of the cheese crackers he likes. Twenty packs were far from enough.

"No shit his throat hurts, half the damn pack house could hear him screaming right through the soundproofing in those damn walls." The slightly shorter Alpha responded as he yanked open the pantry door before stepping inside of the walk-in-sized space. "You're going to spoil my Beta rotten, you know."

Neck twisting this way and that to rid of a few kinks that lingered there, the tip of my nose twitched with annoyance.

Spoiling? There was simply no such thing. If only I could condense the entire universe into the palm of my hand and deliver it at his feet, it still wouldn't be enough.

No, Jax deserved it all; the very fabric of life, the way the world undulated around us in waves of invisible ripples of energy, and every single molecule to ever cycle through the constant whirl of existence.

"Jaxon is not yours." The words ground out of my throat out like nails on a chalkboard, deep and final, seeking to assert an unequivocal claim over this Alpha who was clearly challenging me.

Balancing a hearty stack of cans of infant formula under one arm as he emerged from the pantry, Osias had the audacity to chuckle.

"First heat, huh?"

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Lips pulled into a tight line, I remain hunched over like a watchdog over the kettle, gathering the strength before I finally managed a stiff nod.


He stepped closer then, and I spied his knowing expression in the periphery of my fixated vision. When a hand – heavy but gentle – landed on my bare shoulder, I couldn't help but flinch when my skin itched, not liking that the touch belonged to anyone other than Jax.

My Jax.

"I wish I could say it gets better, man. Our Omegas... they just do something to us Alphas during heat. They're all we can hear, all we can see, all that we live for." He explained, as if I didn't already know. "But he should only have a day or two left before things start to get better. His weight will even out afterward as well, but if you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask. "

"I can provide for my mate just fine on my own." The words came out before I could even form the entire thought and mull it over, and Dash purred contentedly at our outward display of aptness. This Alpha was bold to question our ability to nurture our mate's every want and desire.

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