Chapter 25

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"Goddamn, slow down just a bit! I'm pretty sure you've eaten like three fuckin' cows by now, and everybody's not even here yet!" I exclaimed, eyes widening with disbelief as Corey settled yet another three hamburgers down on the table in front of us. At this point, I was pretty sure the waitress was completely exhausted from running back and forth to our table as my mate ordered more and more food by the second.

"Oh, let the man live. He's gotta sustain those giant muscles somehow."

Benji waved his hand dismissively, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table from his spot on Tank's lap, cramped up in the corner of our little booth. "Personally, I'm a fan of hunky men," He turned his head momentarily to wink back at his mammoth of a mate, "... And I'm pretty sure we're far past you trying to act like you don't like how much bigger Corey is than you. It's not like it's anything to be ashamed of." The pink-haired man winked suggestively, shoving a fry a little too far down his throat before biting it off, "Plus, If he chokes, I'll resuscitate him. Don't worry."

I rolled my eyes at his accusation - a habit I hadn't gotten around to breaking yet - but didn't attempt to deny it.

He was one-hundred percent correct.

Corey was fuckin' huge, and I had to admit that just the thought of the way he could practically crush me beneath his heavily weighted form was enough to make me cream on the spot.

I squirmed a little in an attempt to suppress the rogue thought before creaming my pants became an unfortunate reality, but Corey's semi pressed up against my still-sore ass wasn't helping quell my desire in the slightest.

We were at a tiny diner named Susy's, a hole-in-the-wall place that the Pack liked to frequent. The food was great - the service even better - but the one drawback was the tiny fuckin' booths they had, completely not conducive to a bunch of giant werewolves sitting together all at once.

That's how we found ourselves doubled up, mates sitting on top of mates as we waited on Osias and Berlin to show up.

At first, the thought of sitting on Corey's lap in public gave me a lightning strike of anxiety. I had gotten to the point of comfort with being with him romantically within the reassurance of our own home, but this was different.

Being out and openly affectionate in public was a huge step for not only me, but also our relationship.

However, one look into the depth of Corey's excited gaze had me both weak and confident at the same time, and I'd simply slid onto his firm lap without another word.

"Eating is part of our job as a Warrior," Tank chimed in, arms squeezed so tightly around his beloved that I was surprised the smaller man's eyes weren't popping out of his head. "Osias even put it in our job description." He finished, resting his chin on top of Benji's pink head.

"Speaking of, where is that idiot?" I inquired, pulling my arms in so that Corey could reach around me for like, his fifteenth hamburger.

"Oh, I'm right here."

Tyrus raised a hand that was previously wrapped around Daffodil's waist, pausing mid-chew to chime in. Meanwhile, his mate was just as oblivious as ever as he used two hands to stabilize his milkshake glass; his third one of the past hour judging by the two empty glasses that littered the table beside them.

I was surprised that Tyrus was allowing him to consume that much sugar despite knowing what it does to the Fae, but as long as I wasn't the one dealing with the fallout, I would gladly mind my own damn business.

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