Chapter 1

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The quilted pattern of my thin blankets was taunting me, and I fought the urge to rip them to shreds piece-by-piece. They reeked of the scent of that... Guy. That guy that my body just couldn't seem to resist. Every time I tried, I only ended ass-up, face-down right on top of these blankets, getting pounded into submission.

Even as these murderous thoughts filtered through my mind, I couldn't help but hold the soft fabric to my nose and take a deep sniff - all the while hating myself for even feeling the least bit of affection towards that annoying, peanut-dicked giant.

I mean - don't get me wrong - I'm not a homophobic guy. I thought grumpy, old-man Osias and his pixie princess Berlin were a cute enough couple, but I never considered that I'd end up with a male mate - nonetheless one whose dominant complex gave my dick a life of its own as it rose to attention every time the damn guy simply breathed in my direction.

I groaned aloud and smacked my face into my pillow as I rolled around on my bed, angrily tossing the reeking quilt onto the carpeted floor. Lately, I'd spent hours alone in my room, wallowing in self-pity as I tried to conjure up a way to convince others that Corey wasn't actually my mate, or at the very least that I topped him in the bedroom. However, even after all of that time, it turned out I was the hardest one to convince of my own damn lie.

It was just humiliating.

I mean, who would take a Beta seriously if they weren't even manly enough to be the pitcher? At this point however, it was practically useless. I knew that the entire pack was aware of our situation, if my incessant screams of pleasure every night were any indication. Hell, it wasn't my fault that the freaking beast decided to mount me like a wolf in a Rut!

After a few long moments of pouting, screaming into my pillow, and a lack of fresh air, I finally heaved a deep breath and turned my head to gaze out of the window. The sky had turned a shade of light pink and orange while the sun sizzled just on the line of the horizon. I scowled at the beauty of it all, knowing it meant dinner time was approaching.

That also meant Corey was on his way back from leading Warrior Training.

Yeah, leading Warrior Training.

After the whole ordeal with that crazy ass Joker kid, Osias decided that Corey would be a great addition to the Warriors of the pack - But oh no, he didn't stop there.

Osias decided that Corey was just so good that he should replace the current second in command Warrior Leader, and therefore partly take over the helm of the safety of this pack.

Even after I begged, pleaded, and even threatened to rip out my own eyebrows if Osias went through with what had at the time been a proposition, my stupid jerk of a best friend simply smirked his signature, asshole-ish smirk, signed off on my death sentence, and ran off to fuck his little pregnant mate. In fact, I could've sworn I saw the hint of a smile on Corey's usual, impassive expression when the decree was passed and announced.

Like he didn't even care that the last bit of my pride at being a high-rank was being stripped away.

I groaned once again as I stood up from my bed, stretching my tensed muscles from spending so much time cooped up on the soft surface. However, just as I did so, someone must have spoken of the Devil himself, because the door to my room creaked open to reveal the one person I was attempting to avoid.

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